Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Girls Aloud is partying in a club to celebrate Nicola's birthday and they’re all really drunk. It’s already 3 am and they’re still partying as if they’ve got loads of time. Their boyfriends are also there which makes it even better.

‘’Tre, babe come here please.’’ 

‘’What’s up Chez?’’

‘’I was just wondering if you’re having fun.’’

‘’Of course I’m having fun, how can I have no fun when my baby is here?’’

“Aaahw Tre, I love you’’ Cheryl stands on her toes and kisses Tre when Sarah walks to them. 

“Aaahw, you two are so cute’’ she teases.

‘’Oh Sarah, shut up, you tease’’ Cheryl says and Sarah goes back to the bar for some more shots.

They continue partying and after two hours Cheryl is tired and asks Tre to go to their hotel room. As soon as they open the door they start kissing and take each other’s clothes off. 

‘’Cheryl I love you so much.’’

“No babe, I love you more.’’ she says and before they know they’re more intimate than ever before. 


Cheryl wakes up as she sees two beautiful brown eyes looking at her. 

"Morning gorgeous" Tre says and kisses Cheryl on her forehead. 

"Morning babe" she says. She moves her mouth, comes closer to Tre's and kisses him tender. 

"Shall I get my girl some breakfast?" Tre asks.

"That'd be nice, I'll go for a shower then." She gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. 

Tre puts his shirt and jeans on and goes to a bakery next to the hotel. He walks along the rooms of the other girls when Nicola opens her door. "Oh hi Tre, I thought you were the room service." "Oh well, I'm not, shall I get you some breakfast? I was about to go to the bakery." "Hmm, that sounds nice, so yes." Nicola smiles friendly at him. "I'll be back in ten minutes."

 "Good, I'll get showered then." "Okay, see you in a bit." Tre says and continues walking. 

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Can I have ten different sandwiches please?"

"Of course you can." The baker says and packs the sandwiches. 

Tre pays and goes back to the hotel. He knocks on Kimberley's door. Kimberley opens the door. 

"Good morning Tre."

"Morning Kimberley, I just bought some sandwiches and thought you and Justin might want some." 

"Aahw that's sweet, what kind of sandwiches are they?" "I've got some with tuna , some with cheese and some others too." 

"Can I have the tuna and cheese ones?" "Of course." Tre says and he gives Kimberley the sandwiches. "Thank you very much." 

Tre walks to the other girls and gives them some sandwiches too. He goes back to his and Cheryl's room. 

"Why on earth did it take so long for you to get us some breakfast?" Cheryl asks a bit worried. 

"Because I bought the other girls some too, I thought they could use a sandwich after tonight." 

"Aahw babe, that's so sweet." Cheryl gives him a quick kiss and puts the tea on the table. 

They enjoy their sandwiches while they're talking about what they're going to do today. 

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