Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 

It's now a few weeks after Tre and Cheryl's holiday, and she has only 6 weeks left. 

They have got all of the things they need for when their little girls comes, and they have also planned Cheryl's birthday party. 

The party is tomorrow, even though it's only the 31th of May. 

Cheryl really wanted to celebrate it, because it's her 30th birthday and it would also be her last birthday before she'd be a mum. 

They haven't done a baby shower, so this is also a bit of a baby shower. 

They have invited a lot of friends and family, and even Tre's family is coming over. 

The venue is huge and it's gonna be a very big party.

"Treeeeheee my back hurts" Cheryl moans laying on the sofa with her legs on Tre's lap. He strokes her legs to comfort her a bit. 

"I know baby, but remember it'll be over soon."

"I want it to be over now, six weeks are too much."

"They'll be over before you know,  and like you always say 'she's worth it'." Tre says mimicking Cheryl's accent. 

"Hmm I know, do you mind if I have a nap? I'm knackered."

"Of course I don't mind, I'll wake you up when dinner's ready okay?"

Cheryl nods and goes upstairs.


"Are you ready Chez? We've gotta leave in five minutes" Tre asks walking into the bathroom where Cheryl's doing her makeup.

He checks her out from top to toe, totally stunned by her beauty. 

Her long brown curls are bouncing loosely over one shoulder. She doesn't have much makeup on, but she looks absolutely beautiful. 

She wears a bright pink dress, which makes her bump stand out even more and stops just beneath the tattoo on her thigh. 

Cheryl notices Tre staring at her.

"Whatcha looking at?"

"You look amazing, just wow!"

"Thank you" she says blushing slightly. 

"Why do you always blush whenever I compliment you?" Tre asks taking Cheryl's hands and stroking them with his thumbs.

"I don't know, I never really know how to react."

"Aahw you cutie" Tre says squeezing her cheeks.

"No you are the cutie."

"No you are, and don't tell me you're not" Tre says and he quickly pecks her lips. 

"Now you've got lipstick on too" Cheryl laughs once they've pulled apart. Tre wipes the lipstick off and Cheryl applies some more lipstick.

"Okay I'm done, let's go!"

Tre takes Cheryl's hand and helps her to get downstairs. Cheryl grabs a few things and puts them in her bag. 

She puts her coat on and sits down on a chair in the hallway.

"Can you put my shoes on?" she asks pointing at the black 'your royal hotness' heels she designed for Stylistpick. 

Tre puts them on and they leave the house. 

"Excited?" Tre asked once they sit in the car. 

"Yes, I can't wait to see my family again. I haven't seen them in ages!"

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