Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"I'm gonna take a picture of this" Cheryl says grabbing her phone and taking a picture of her best friends' hands on her bump. 

"Aahw it's so adorable, I'm gonna put it on twitter" Cheryl says. 

>> 4 hands, 1 bump <3 << she edits the picture a bit and adds the picture. She smiles at the sweet replies she gets. 

"What you smiling at Chezzabella?" Nicola asks. 

"The fans are so sweet and supportive."

Cheryl reads some of the replies out loud, making the girls 'ahw'. 

"Kimba have you told your family about your twins yet?" Nadine asks. Kimberley nods.

"And?" Nadine asks.

"They were all very happy for me of course!" 

"That's great, when are you gonna tell the fans?" 

"When I'm four months, so in a bit more than a month" Kimberley smiles. 

They keep on chatting for a while and order even more food. 

Sarah suggests to play truth or dare and they all agree. Kimberley starts. 

"Nadine, truth or dare?"

"Uuhm I pick truth."

"Okay let me think... what is the weirdest place you've ever done it?"

"In a workers toilet I think."

They all start laughing.

"Oh my God Nads, a workers toilet, that's gross" Nicola says. 

"With who?" Sarah asks.

"With Jason."

"I thought so" Sarah says.

"Okay now it's my turn, Kimberley, truth or dare?" Nadine asks.

"Truth" Kimberley replies.

"I don't know one, anyone?"

"I know one" Cheryl says. 

"Who of us snogs the best?" she asks.

"I've never really snogged anyone of you except Cheryl, and she's quite good to be honest."

"Yaay, I guess that's why Tre likes to kiss me so much."

"Cheeeez" Kimberley says on a warning tone, signalling Cheryl not to go into details. 

"My turn" Sarah says.

"Cheryl, have you ever done SM?" 

A cheeky grin appears on Cheryl's face.

"OH MY GOD, CHERYL!" Nicola squeals.

"With who?" Sarah asks.

"Treeeeeeee" she says softening her voice a bit and looking down.

"I knew it you two are always at it like rabbits!" Sarah shouts. 

"I know  another one for you Chez: Have you ever given someone a handjob in public?" Sarah asks.

"Does a blowjob count too?" Cheryl asks. 

"Cheryl, really?!?"  

"Yes, I gave Tre one in a dressing cubicle" Cheryl says with a massive grin.

"I've got to admit I gave Justin one when we were stuck in traffic" Kimberley says blushing slightly. 

"Wow Kimba, I didn't expect that from you" Nadine says.

"Yeah that Cheryl did it isn't a big surprise, but you?!" Nicola says.

"And you, Nic?" Cheryl says.

She continues "you always come across as a goody two shoes, but I bet you've done some very dirty things." 

"Well... where do I start?" Nicola says.

All of the girls' mouths fall open, because they didn't expect an answer like this.

"One time Charlie and I were in the cinema and there weren't a lot of people, so I gave him a handjob" Nicola says.

"Really?!? That's so naughty!" Nadine says. 

"Oh and another time we had sex on a plane" Nicola says.

"Well, well you naughty Nicola" Nadine says. 

Nicola blushes and grins cheekily. 

"So my on conclusion is: Cheryl and Nicola are by far the dirtiest of us" Kimberley says.

Cheryl and Nicola high five eachother, making the others laugh. 

"Okay I've heard enough dirty talk for now, let's talk about something else" Nadine says. 

"Ooooh is Nadine trying to change the subject?" Sarah says.

"Hey wasn't my story about the workers toilet not dirty enough?!"

"It was Nads, but we haven't heard any of your sex adventures Sarah" Cheryl says. 

"Oh uuhm yeah, well let's just say Cheryl isn't the only one doing SM" Sarah says. 

"See, I'm not that bad, Sarah does it too" Cheryl says. 

"Okay now it's enough, I don't wanna hear more of all of your sex lives" Kimberley says.

"Really Kimba? We haven't even spoken about doggy style" Cheryl says grinning.

"CHEROOOOL!" Kimberley shouts half joking. 

About two hours later they are getting really tired and decide to go to bed. The next day they all go back home.


Cheryl’s pov

I’ve just been to the midwife and luckily my little girl is still doing a great job. 

There’s only one thing I want to talk to Tre about, and I don’t want to wait until I see him again, so I call him.

He quickly answers his phone.

‘’Hi gorgeous’’ he says.

‘’Hi baby.’’

‘’Are you okay? You sound a bit upset.’’

‘’I’m okay and so is little Chezza, but there’s something the midwife said...’’

‘’What did she say?’’

‘’She said that there’s a possibility I need to have a c-section, because my pelvis and hips might be too narrow.’’

‘’But what’s wrong with that?’’

‘’I don’t like needles and people cutting in me, it reminds me of when I had malaria.’’

‘’I understand, isn’t there something you can do about it?’’

‘’No, the only thing I can do is wait and see if it’ll get wider once she’s going to lie lower.’’

There’s a short silence until I hear a sneeze coming out of the speaker, but it’s not Tre’s, it’s a high one which means that he’s with a girl. HE IS WITH A GIRL!!!    

‘’Who’s that?’’ I manage to say.

‘’Chez it’s not what you think it is’’ he says before I interrupt him.

‘’And that’s exactly what Ashley said to me!’’ I shout through the phone.

I can’t hear any more of his lies so I hang up. He’s cheating on me, I’m sure he is.

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