Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

That night, Cheryl goes upstairs when Laila starts crying. 

She has fed her before dinner which was a couple of hours before, so she must want to be fed. 

Cheryl takes Laila out of her cradle and sits down on the big comfy feeding chair. 

She latches Laila on and quietly starts talking to her.

"Hello my little gorgeous girl, you're hungry aren't you?" Cheryl speaks in her baby voice. 

She keeps talking until Laila's finished. Cheryl burps her and lays her back in her cradle.

 She pulls at the cord of a bunny and the music starts playing.

"Sleep well princess" Cheryl says kissing her head and leaving the room. 

She goes back downstairs to find a trail of rose petals. She follows them and ends up in the garden. 

The rose petals stop and are replaced by burning candles. She continues following the lit path and sees Tre laying in the hammock. 

On the table next to it stands a bucket of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. 

"Hey gorgeous" Tre says.

"Hi babe, why have you done all of this?"

"It's my way of thanking you for giving birth to our beautiful daughter" Tre says, making Cheryl's heart melt. 

He pats the space next to him so Cheryl gets in the hammock too. 

Tre wraps her arms around her and kisses her on the lips. 

"Tre you're such a sweetie" Cheryl says.

"That's what you've made of me" he says. Cheryl opens her mouth to speak, but Tre shoves a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. 

"Hmm thats's nice" she says.

Tre continues feeding her until they almost reach the bottom of the bucket. 

They stay cuddled up in silence for a bit, just enjoying each other. 

Tre rolls on to his back and pulls Cheryl on top of him. 

"Is that okay" he asks. He knows that they won't be doing anything, but he still wants to make sure she's okay.

"Yeah, can we please stay like for a bit?" Cheryl asks, loving the feeling of Tre's warm body beneath her and not wanting to end this feeling. 

"Of course we can baby, as long as you want" he says, kissing her on the lips. 

Cheryl nuzzles her head into Tre's neck, breathing in the nice smell of his aftershave. 

Tre has his hands on her back and slowly traces his fingers along her spine. 

Cheryl's breathings become heavier and it isn't long before she's asleep. 

Tre lets her sleep for a bit so he's sure she's definitely asleep, before getting her out off the hammock and carrying her upstairs. 

She lays her down on the bed and carefully takes her clothes off. He takes a pair of pyjamas out of her wardrobe and puts it on. 

He lifts the duvet and gently lays it on her. He gets himself ready for bed and goes to Laila's room. 

She's still asleep so Tre gives his daughter a kiss on the head and goes back to his and Cheryl's room to go to bed too. 

He gets in, wraps his arms around Cheryl and soon falls asleep.


The couple wakes up by the sound of Laila's crying. 

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