Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

The next morning Cheryl and Tre are still asleep in each other's arms, naked. Cheryl vaguely hears the doorbell, but falls asleep again. 

She doesn't notice Gary unlocking the door with his key she once gave him so she didn't have to open the door if he came to play video games in her cinema. 

He walks into the living room and immediately notices the naked couple asleep in the sofa and the clothes spread across the ground. 

"Fcuking hell, that's gross!" he mumbles to himself before going upstairs to see his little niece. 

He goes into Laila's room to find her looking up at him with her big green eyes. 

"Hello cutie" he says in his baby voice, taking Laila out if her cradle. 

He sits down on the feeding chair, placing her on his lap.

"It's nice to see your uncle Gary again isn't it" he says, still in his baby voice. 

He keeps talking about random little things until Cheryl wakes up, hearing his voice through the baby monitor. 

"Sh!t !" she says, waking Tre up.

"Good morning baby" he says.

"Morning! We uuhm have a little problem" Cheryl says.

"What's it?"

"Gary is upstairs in Laila's room, he must've seen us here being completely naked!" 

"Uh oh" Tre replies sarcastically.

"Tre it's not funny! You don't want to see your sister naked on top of her boyfriend right?!" 

"Hmm that kinda makes sense, let's put something on and go upstairs." 

Cheryl gets off him, allowing him to put his boxers back on whilst she puts her knickers and Tre's shirt on. 

They go upstairs and Cheryl goes to Gary and Laila so Tre can get showered. She opens the door to find Gary playing with Laila's tiny hands. 

"Good morning" Cheryl says, making Gary look up at her.

"Morning Chez, had fun tonight?" he says, smirking. 

"Oh shut up you jerk" she chuckles. 

"It's a lovely sight to see your sister naked asleep on top of her naked boyfriend with clothes all over the place" he says, jokingly.

"Well, I told you it's your own responsibility to come inside of my house, you never know what I'm up to" she cheekily replies.

"Too much information Chez, too much" Gary says, making Cheryl laugh.

"So, what made you come here?"

"I just wanted to see my little niece and it's been a while since I've played video games in your cinema last time." 

"With other words, you're taking over my house" Cheryl says, raising her eyebrow.

"If you want to put it like that...." Gary laughs. 

"Anyway, would you like to feed her so I can get dressed?"

"Of course" Gary says, happy that she lets him feed Laila. 

"Come downstairs with me then" Cheryl says going downstairs, followed by her younger brother. 

He sits down on the sofa whilst Cheryl goes into the kitchen. She takes a bottle out of the refrigerator and warms it up. 

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