Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Oh God, what is it?"

"Your friend Kimberley has had a car crash and has been rushed to the hospital." Cheryl’s heart skips a beat.

"Is she going to die?" she asks worried.

"No, but she might have broke something and have a concussion." "Oh okay, I'm coming to the hospital right now." 

The officer couldn't reply because Cheryl had hung up the phone and drives to the hospital. 

"Hello, what can I do for you?" 

"I'm looking for Kimberley Walsh." "She's in room 180, if you walk down the corridor it's the last room on the right. 

But beware, she's just arrived and might be covered with a lot of blood." "Oh okay, thank you." 

Cheryl walks down the corridor and opens the door of room 180. 

Her heart skips a beat when she sees her friend sleeping with a lot of wires in her hand. 

"Ah Cheryl you're here, I'm officer Johnson, nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, how is Kimberley doing?" 

"She has got a broken arm and a concussion." Cheryl walks to Kimberley and stokes her hand. "What happened?" 

"Kimberley stopped for a red traffic light, but the driver behind her didn't see that so he crashed into her car." 

Cheryl wants to punch that driver because of what he did to Kimberley, but decides to keep calm. 

Kimberley wakes up and a nurse asks her some questions. The nurse and the officer leave the room. 

"Kimba, how are you?"

"Hmm my arm hurts and so does my head." "Thank God, I thought you were going to die." Cheryl grabs her hand. 

"I will if you don't give me a glass of water." Cheryl passes her a glass of water. "Do you remember what happened?" 

"Yes I do, I haven't been unconscious so I know everything." "What happened to you when the car behind you crashed into you?" 

"My face hit the wheel, but somehow my arm hit something too, but I don't know how or what." 

"How long does it take for your arm to recover?" "They said six weeks so I still can go on tour." 

"That's great, does Justin know it yet?" 

"No, can you call him for me?"

"Of course" Cheryl says as she grabs her phone and calls Justin.

"Hello." "Hi Justin, it's Cheryl."

"Hi Cheryl, how are you?"

"I'm fine, but I've got to tell you something. Kimberley has had a car crash and is in hospital."

"Oh my God, how bad is it?"

"Not very bad, she has a broken arm and a concussion." "She's not going to die, is she?" 

"No, it's not that bad." "Oh okay then, I'm coming to the hospital right now." "Okay, see you." "Bye."

"Justin is on his way." "Hmm okay. I think I'm going to sleep for a bit until Justin's here. You can go home if you want." 

"No, I'll stay here until he's here." "Okay" Kimberley says and closer her eyes. About fifteen minutes later Justin arrives.

They talk a bit when Cheryl leaves. 

When she's home she calls Tre. 

"Hi gorgeous" he says. 

"Hi babe, how are you?" 

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