Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 15

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Cheryl knocks on Nicola's door with Kimberley standing next to her. 

After a few seconds Nicola opens the door. 

"Hi, come in" she says while giving them a hug. Nicola's eyes are all red and puffy. 

Cheryl and Kimberley have never seen her in such a state. 

Nicola's already made them a cup of tea which she'd placed on the table next to her sofa. 

They follow her to the living room and sit down whilst being greeted by Nicola's dogs. 

Cheryl takes Ronnie on her lap and strikes him, because she knows it's going to be a difficult conversation and needs a little bit of distraction otherwise she'll turn into an emotional wreck. 

''So Nic, tell us what happened to you'' Cheryl says. Nicola takes a sip of her tea and start talking. 

''Okay, well yesterday I went to a club with Sarah and we had a very nice time. 

When it was about one in the morning I was tired and wanted to go back, but Sarah was still in a party mood as usual so I told her I'd leave without so she could stay partying until three or so like she always does. 

I wasn't very drunk, but I couldn't really  think straight. 

I decided to take a taxi, but there weren't any taxi's when I got out of the club, so I walked to a busier place. 

When I walked through a street I hears footsteps behind me. Then I got pushed to the wall by a man with a balaclava on. 

He took me to an He grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head so I couldn't do anything. 

Suddenly I saw three more men coming to us. 

One of them said something about me being that ginger one from Girls Aloud and another replied something like 

''where are your four ugly backups now to protect their sweet little band mate?''. 

That made me furious and I somehow found strength to kick him in his crotch. 

Then another man said "oh redhead thinks she can beat us". They started laughing and then they started undressing me. 

It was absolutely horrible to be there in an alley with four men undressing me." 

Nicola takes a sip of her tea and wipes her tears away.

 "I knew what was going to happen after that, and they did do what I thought. 

They threw me on the ground and held up a knife. They said I had to do what they wanted me to do otherwise they'd kill me. 

Two men took their jeans of and one started well yanoo and the other one wanted me to give him a blowjob. 

It was fcuking disgusting, I actually threw up. 

Then the other two did the same and when they were done they ran away and left me there totally naked on the cold hard ground. 

I've never felt so lost ever before." 

Nicola stars crying hysterically and Cheryl and Kimberley stroke her back trying to comfort her. 

"Ssh Nic, it's over now, it'll be okay" Kimberley says. 

"But what if I'm pregnant?! What if the morning after pill didn't work and now I'm pregnant from God only knows who?!" 

"I'm sure it works Nic, don't be afraid. Does Charlie know it yet?" Cheryl asks. 

"No, he's in Austria skiing with his friends." 

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