Trezza-Gorgeous Chapter 3 part 2

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Chapter 3 part 2

"How was the birthday."

"It was nice, how's your stomach doing?"

"It's still hurting."

"I think you should do a pregnancy test, just to be sure about it."

"I will, I probably have one in one of the cupboards in the bathroom. Shall I do it now?"

"If you want to do it now, then do it now."

"Okay then" she says and goes to the bathroom. She opens a cupboard and finds a test. 

She does the test and waits for what it's going to say. 

"Tre, can you come upstairs, I want you to be here when I take a look at the test" she shouts.

Tre walks into the bathroom and sees Cheryl having the test in her hand. He puts his arms around her waist. "Shall I open my hand now?" Tre nods and she opens her hand. There are two blue marks which means she's pregnant. "Oh my God Tre, we're having a baby!" Tre hugs Cheryl. Cheryl's emotions are mixed, she's happy that she's going to be a mother, but also worried about the tour. "We're going to be a family" he says and kisses Cheryl. She decides to go to tomorrow's rehearsals and tell the girls the news. She's afraid of their reactions.


Cheryl's pov

I'm feeling much better now and I'm happy to be able to dance again. I'm also worried about how the girls will react. Tre is still sleeping, but I don't want to wake him up. I get out of my bed and go downstairs for some breakfast. I eat cereals and drink orange juice. I feel dirty so I go for a shower. I undress myself and look at my reflection in the mirror. I stroke over my tummy. The next couple of months it'll grow and grow.

I put the shower on and stand under it. I can't keep my hands off my tummy, it's weird to think that a little person is growing in it. I wash my hair and turn the shower off. When I'm dry I put my underwear on and walk out of the bathroom. I walk to my wardrobe and take a top and a sweatpants. I go back to the bathroom to put some make up on and blow dry my hair. I put it in a high bun, just like we had in Something New.

I tell Tre I'm leaving, grab my stuff and get into my car. I'm afraid for their reactions. Maybe it's better when I tell Kimberley first. She's always early so maybe only she's at rehearsals when I arrive. Hopefully she doesn't come with Nicola, but on her own. I want her to be the first person to know. I arrive at rehearsals. I walk in and luckily only Kimberley is there. 

"Hi Chezza, do you feel better?"

"Yes silly, otherwise I wouldn't be here." I smile.

"Kim, I've got to tell you something, I...I'm pregnant."

"Really Cheryl? Congratulations."

Kimberley gives me a hug.

"I came here to tell you and the girls, but I wanted you to know first." "So, I'm the first who knows it?" "No, Tre is." 

"Oh Chez, I'm so happy for you, you're finally going to be a mother like you always wanted."

We hear footsteps. "We'll talk more about this later" I say and take a sip of my coffee. Nicola and Nadine come in. A few seconds later Sarah comes in too. We're chatting a bit when Beth, the choreographer walks in. "Morning ladies, are you ready for some new moves? We're doing On The Metro today." 

When we have a break I feel like it's the right moment to tell it.

I grab Kimberley's hand for support. "Erm, I've got to tell you something." All the girls stop talking and look at me. 

"I am pregnant" I say and feel relieved. Nicola doesn't seem to be very surprised, but Nadine and Sarah are. They all congratulate me. "For how long?" Nadine asks. "I think for about three weeks, but I'm not sure, I haven't been to the doctor yet." "What did Tre say?" Nicola asks. "He was very happy to have a little family." I smile. We continue dancing when I feel like I'm going to throw up. I run to the bathroom, followed by Beth. "Cheryl, what's wrong?" she asks. "I... erm... I'm pregnant." "Oh Cheryl, really? For how long." Beth smiles. "For about three weeks I think." "Will you be back in a couple minutes?" "I think so." Beth leaves the bathroom and continues teaching the dancing moves. I come back and continue dancing. 

When all the girls except Nicola and me have left, Nicola tells me about the text message. "I was surprised that you didn't have you phone in your hand" she says and we both laugh. We leave the studio and go home.

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