Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Two months later in tour rehearsals 

"Do you miss Tre?" Sarah teases.

Cheryl blows a raspberry at her. 

"I do actually, he's been away for a month and he'll come back in four months, do you know how long that is?!" 

"So you're alone for five whole months?" Kimberley says concerned. "Can you be alone for so long?" "I have to, I can't call him and tell him he needs to come back because I don't like being alone." "I understand, shall I stay with you for a bit?" Kimberley asks. "If you want to, but isn't Justin going to miss you?" "No, it's not going very well between us at the moment." "You're not breaking up, are you?" "No Cheryl, of course not, don't be so dramatic." "What's wrong then?" "I'll tell you later" Kimberley says as she grabs Cheryl's hand and they go back in their positions and continue dancing. After rehearsals Kimberley walks to Cheryl to talk.

"So Kimba, tell me what's wrong." "Well, Justin thinks that I'm in love with Pasha, but I'm not." "Why does he think that?" "Because we danced so passionately according to him." "But that's normal, you have to, because if you haven't done that the dancing wouldn't have been good." "You see, I like Pasha, but not in a way of fancying him. I still talk to him, but just as friends." "Justin is just afraid of losing you." "Maybe he is, it hurts me when he thinks I don't love him, I love him with whole my heart." "Tell him then." "I did, but he thinks it's some kind of excuse of snogging Pasha." "Have you snogged him?!" "No, of course not, I'm not going to cheat on him! What does he think I am?!" 

Cheryl sees tears in her eyes. 

"Kimba, calm down babe, we all know that you wouldn't do that. 

You two are getting sick of each other because you see each other too much. 

I'm sure it'll get better after you haven't seen him for a bit." "

I hope so, I'll just stay with you for a bit and then things will get better. And I really fancy some Chim time." 

"So do I, what shall we do? Watch movies, bake cupcakes or go shopping?" "Can we do all of them too?" 

"Of course, but first you need to go back home and pack you stuff." 

"Now?" "Yes, you go pack your bags and I go home and make dinner." 

"Good idea" Kimberley says and they stand up. "See you in a bit." "Bye." 

A few minutes later Cheryl gets a phone call. "Hello, am I speaking to Cheryl Cole?"

"Yes you are, who is this?"

"I'm officer Johnson from the police, I'm afraid I've got to tell you something you won't like."

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