Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 

Cheryl takes Kimberley's hand and walks with her to the bathroom.

"Calm down Kimba, who's here?" 

"M.. Mark" she manages to say through the sobs.

"Mark is that dancer right?" 
Kimberley nods.

"But what's wrong with that?"

"It w-was him."

Cheryl hasn't got a clue what Kimberley is talking about. 

"What do you mean?"

"He was the one that killed my baby" Kimberley says breaking down again. 

Cheryl doesn't really believe it, she thinks Kimberley is just a bit confused because of all the hormones. 
How can Mark be the one who killed Kimberley's baby eleven years ago? 
Cheryl knows Mark as a friendly guy, well he must be, otherwise he wouldn't be friends with Tre. 
And that's when she remembers it. 
When Tre first went to rehearsals, Mark had punched Tre in the face because Tre said something about him which he clearly didn't like. 
Maybe Kimberley isn't confused at all and she's now at a party with her ex-boyfriend who had killed her baby. 

"No that can't be, he was so friendly to me. How could he be the one who did that?!"

"Exactly, he WAS friendly, but then he turned out to be a complete idiot!" 

"Oh God Kim, what am I gonna do, I can't just kick one of Tre's friends out of here and neither can I do to you!"

"What?! He is one of Tre's friends? You invited a murder to your party, the murder of my baby! How could you Cheryl?!" Kimberley shouts at her. It gets too much for Cheryl and now she's crying too. 

"I... I'm sorry Kimba, but how was I supposed to know that he was the one who did that to you?" Cheryl sobs.

Kimberley realises that it wasn't right to shout at Cheryl and blame her for inviting a friend of Tre, who turns out to be a murder. 

"I'm sorry Chez, I shouldn't have shouted at you, you couldn't have known this" Kimberley says pulling Cheryl into a hug. They stay in that position for a bit, when suddenly someone walks in.  

"Are you two okay?" Tre's mother asks concerned.

"Hmm not really" Cheryl replies, deciding to stay honest.

"What's wrong? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can you please get Tre for me?"

"Of course sweetheart, I'll be back in a minute."

Tre's mother walks away and Kimberley looks at Cheryl.

"What are you gonna tell him?" she asks worried.

"That he was an ex-boyfriend of you who didn't really treat you right and who was violent, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah but what's he gonna do about it?"

"I don't know, what do you want us to do?"

"I don't know Chez, I don't know" Kimberley sobs hysterically and she falls into Cheryl's arms again. There's a soft knock on the door. 

"Come in" Cheryl says.

Tre opens the door and walks in.

"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice full of concern. 

"Well, we've got a big problem."

"What is it?"

"Mark is Kimberley's ex-boyfriend who didn't treat her right and was very violent towards her."

‘’Oh sh!t no, I’m so sorry Kimberley, I didn’t know he was your ex-boyfriend, he didn’t hurt you now did he?’’

‘’No not now, I haven’t seen him since we broke up, which was more than eleven years ago.’’

‘’Oh wow, I’m really sorry, I’ll ask him to leave okay?’’

‘’Yeah, thanks Tre’’ Kimberley says smiling through the tears.
Tre goes back to the dancefloor to find Mark. He soon finds him and starts talking.

‘’Right, erm, I’ve just heard about you and Kimberley and I think it’s best if you leave.’’

‘’Why? I haven’t done anything wrong, have I?’’

‘’No but she’s much closer to Cheryl than I am to you, so one of you has got to leave.’’
Tre sees Mark getting angry and tries to calm him down. He doesn’t want a fight at Cheryl’s birthday party.

‘’Calm down mate, I don’t know what happened to you two, but it clearly wasn’t as it was supposed to be, seen as Kimberley is a crying mess.’’

‘’Okay okay, I’m leaving, I’m not going to go mad over her being a *female dog* again’’ he says walking away.

‘’Wait, don’t think I hate you now. You’re still my friend and I won’t hate you because of whatever happened between you and Kimberley.’’

‘’Yeah yeah I get it, have a nice evening Tre.’’

‘’Thanks, you too.’’
Mark walks through the doors and Tre goes back to Cheryl and Kimberley.

‘’Mark has left, so everything will be fine now I think’’ Tre says.

‘’Thanks Tre’’ Kimberley says smiling at him.

‘’Right, I’m going out of here now, because after all this is still a women’s bathroom and I don’t think they’ll like it when I’m here’’ Tre says and walks out of the bathroom.

‘’Do you think you’ll be okay now Kimba?’’ Cheryl asks.

‘’Yeah, it’s just that I didn’t expect to see him here. I’m sorry for ruining your party.’’

‘’You didn’t ruin my party, and even if you did, it wouldn’t have been your fault. Now come here and give me a hug’’ Cheryl says opening her arm to hug Kimberley.

‘’Thanks Chez’’ Kimberley says kissing Cheryl’s cheek, making a smile appear on both their faces.
They quickly fix their makeup and go back to enjoy the rest of the party.
They laugh at Nicola who is jumping excitedly towards them.

‘’Guess what...’’ she says.

‘’What?’’ Cheryl replies.

‘’Rihanna asked me to do another season of Styled To Rock’’ she squeals.
Cheryl and Kimberley laugh at Nicola being so excited and tell her they’re very happy for her.

‘’Okay Kimba, I think it’s time for a little celebration dance with our favourite Ginger don’t you think?’’ Cheryl says.

‘’Yaaaay’’ Nicola says and Cheryl takes their hands and leads them to the dance floor. After a couple of songs they get a bit tired and decide 
to just chat a bit with the other guests.
Cheryl walks over to Tre, who is laughing away with Cheryl’s mother. 

‘’What are you two laughing at?’’ she asks sitting down on Tre’s lap.

‘’Oh nothing baby, your mother is just telling some very amusing stories about you’’ Tre replies kissing her forehead.

‘’Oh no mam, what did you tell him?’’

‘’Only about when you were a little girl and pretended to be the Big Friendly Giant and used to dress Garry up as that little girl and played with him for hours’’ Joan laughs.

‘’Noooo why did you tell that? You know he’ll use everything against me right? I guess I’m gonna be called the Big Friendly Midget now because I’m far from Giant’’ Cheryl says pretending to be sad.
Joan and Tre laugh at her calling herself a midget. 

‘’But you’re not  big and friendly, so I think Small Mean Midget is a better name’’ Tre chuckles, making Joan laugh too, and Cheryl just opens her mouth, trying to look shocked.

‘’Love you too Tre’’ Cheryl says poking her tongue out.
Tre opens his mouth to speak, but Cheryl is faster and quickly kisses him. Joan stands up.

‘’I don’t think I want to see more of this’’ she says and she walks away.

‘’Hmm I take that as a ‘you can kiss the hottest guy out of the whole world now’ ‘’Cheryl says and she kisses Tre once more. They get lost in their own little bubble, until Cheryl hears someone calling out her name. She gets off Tre’s lap and looks around to see who it was. She sees her sister Gillian waving at her and she walks towards her. 

‘’Hey Gills, what’s up?’’ she asks.

‘’I was just wondering how my little sis is doing, we haven’t seen each other for a while.’’

‘’I know, it’s such a shame! I’m doing great’’ Cheryl says smiling widely.

‘’How much do you have left?’’ she asks stroking Cheryl’s bump.

‘’Only six weeks, I’m so excited!’’ Cheryl squeals.

‘’Aahw I can’t wait to meet your little bubba, it’s gonna be a girl right?’’

‘’Yeah, by the way, where are your children? I haven’t seen them since you got here.’’

‘’They’re there in the corner watch Nemo with the other children, but I think I’ve got to go back to the hotel soon. They must be tired now.’’

‘’hmm yeah, I’m going to chat to them for a bit, I’ve missed them so much’’ Cheryl says and she makes her way to her nieces and nephews.

Her two year old niece is the first who notices Cheryl coming towards them, and she opens her arms to hug Cheryl. Cheryl picks her up and places her on her hip carefully, as she doesn’t want to hurt her unborn baby. 

‘’How’s my little Norah doing’’ Cheryl asks kissing the little girl’s cheek, making her giggle.

‘’I’m gweat’’ she answers in the cutest voice Cheryl’s ever heard.

‘’Why awe you so fat auntie Chewool?’’ she asks poking in Cheryl’s bump.

‘’I’m not fat sweetie, I’ve got a baby in my tummy’’ Cheryl says sitting down on a sofa with Norah on her lap. Norah doesn’t understand it and 
looks at Cheryl with a confuse expression across her face.

‘’But Norah can’t see baby.’’

‘’No, that’s because the baby is still inside of my tummy, she doesn’t want to come out yet. I think she likes it in here’’ Cheryl says rubbing her bump.

‘’But how does baby come in?’’ Norah asks innocently.

‘’By magic. Baby is kicking now, do you want to feel it?’’ Cheryl asks.
Norah nods and Cheryl places her little hands her  bump where the baby is kicking. 
Soon a couple of other nieces and nephews come over to them and to want to feel the baby kicking too. 
Luckily for them little Chezza is very active and they can all feel her moving around in Cheryl’s bump. 
Cheryl smiles at the sight of all of them having her hands on her bump. She feels happier than ever before. 
Gillian tells her children to come back to the hotel, so they give Cheryl a big goodnight hug.

‘’Goodnight sweeties, I’ll see you all again tomorrow right?’’ Cheryl says kissing and hugging her nieces and nephews goodnight.

‘’Yes auntie Cheryl’’ her four year old nephew Kevin replies.
They all leave and Cheryl goes back to talk to the other guests. She notices Rihanna still being here and she goes to have a little chat with her.

‘’Hi Cheryl, I just saw you with all these kids, you’re so good with them. I’m sure you’ll be a great mom.’’

‘’Aahw thank you so much’’ Cheryl smiles.

‘’Oh by the way, I don’t know what you’re going to do after you’ve given birth, but I was thinking we could record some stuff together. But only if you want.’’

‘’Oh yes, I’d love to. I think I’ll just take it easy until she’s about six months so she doesn’t need me all the time. I’ve already signed for two other albums, so I’ve got to do that right.’’

‘’Yeah I understand. Well, make sure you tell me when you’re ready, I can’t wait to sing with you.’’

‘’I will, I can’t wait either, I’ve always wanted to sing with you, you’re still my girls crush you know.’’

‘’Am I?  Ooh I feel honoured haha. But I’ve got to admit you’re still mine too.’’

‘’Well, I think that’s a good thing then’’ Cheryl smiles.

‘’Yes it is, but I think you’ve got to go back to Tre, he’s been staring at you for a while now.’’

‘’Has he? Well. I’ll talk to you later then’’ Cheryl smiles and she goes back to Tre, to be greeted with a lot of kisses. 

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