Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Kimbaaaaaa" Cheryl calls out as soon as Kimberley opens the door. 

She hugs her and squeezes Kimberley's bum, making her jump. 

Cheryl rubs Kimberley's 3 and a half months bump.

"You excited?" Cheryl asks.

"Yeah I can't wait to see their reactions."

"Neither can I, are you gonna say they're twins or not?"

"Hmm no, I want to keep that a surprise."

Kimberley hangs us Cheryl's coat and leads her into the living room.

"Hey Justin" Cheryl says hugging Justin. 

"Hi Chez, how long do you have left?"

"Two and a half months" Cheryl says smiling widely.

"Oh so you're almost there. Do you know the sex?"

"Yeah I know, time has flown by. I'm having a mini-me."

"I don't know if that's a good thing, imagine having two of you" Kimberley jokes.

"Oh my God, imagine having three of you! That's torture! Poor Justin" Cheryl says sarcastically.

"Yeah feel sorry for me" Justin says.

Kimberley folds her arms and taps her foot.

"Oh so you're on her side now" she says pouting.

"You know what I do when you pout right?" Justin says.

Kimberley nods still pouting, and Justin quickly pecks her lips. Cheryl smiles watching the couple exchanging glances once they've pulled apart. 

"Okay Chez, let's do it!" Kimberley says.

"Do what?" Cheryl asks.

"Tell the world that I'm pregnant silly!"

"Oh haha yes, I guess you're taking the picture Justin?"

Justin nods in return and Kimberley grabs her phone so it's easier to upload the picture on twitter. 

Justin positions himself where he can take a good picture and Kimberley turns to face Cheryl. 

They put their hands on the other's bump and smile at each other. 

Justin takes the picture and shows it to them. 

Kimberley goes to twitter and types out a tweet.

"#PreggasAloud #ChimBabies <3"

She adds the picture and shows it to Cheryl. Cheryl nods and Kimberley posts it. 

They smile at the sweet replies she gets. 

"Okay I've got to go home now, Nadine and I are leaving tomorrow and I haven't packed my bags yet" Cheryl says.

Cheryl gives Kimberley a big hug and a kiss on her bump. 

At Cheryl's house

Cheryl's POV

I am so excited because I will see my Tre again. I can't stop smiling. 

I pack my bags, eat something and sleep for a while, dreaming about my man.


Tre's POV

I'm on my way to the airport and I'm almost there. I'll finally see my girl again after two months. 

I've really missed her. I can't wait to see how much our little girl has grown within these two months. 

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