Trezza-Gorgeous Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

‘’Kimba I can’t hold it any longer, she’s laying on my bladder and I just can’t hold it no more’’ Cheryl whispers in Kimberley’s ear while Nadine is singing her part in I’ll Stand By You.

‘’Chez it’s the last song, you can go straight to the toilets when it’s over’’ she whispers back.

‘’But I just can’t hold it any longer, I think I’m gonna pee myself.’’

Cheryl grabs Kimberley’s hand while singing the chorus with the other girls.

Suddenly Cheryl squeezes Kimberley’s hand very hard, causing Kimberley to stop singing and look at her.

‘’I’ve fcuking peed myself’’ Cheryl says with a shocked face.

Kimberley starts laughing.

‘’Why are you laughing, this is fcuking horrible, everyone can see it.’’

‘’You should see your own face Chez, and they can’t see it, your gown is too long.’’

Luckily for Cheryl the song is over and the platforms go down.

‘’What’s up with you two, why weren’t you singing?!’’ Nicola asks once they are totally invisible for the audience.

‘’Cheryl’s peed herself’’ Kimberley says bursting out into laughing again. They others start laughing too.

‘’Oh come on, I couldn’t help it, she’s laying on my bladder and I just couldn’t hold it any longer okay?’’ Cheryl says laughing too.

Cheryl pulls up her gown a bit and looks at the puddle around her feet.

‘’Ew this is gross, I’m gonna take a shower, see you at the hotel girls.’’

‘’Hey aren’t you gonna clean this?’’ Kimberley asks pointing at the puddle.

‘’I can’t crouch down so no’’ Cheryl winks and she goes to the hotel.


A couple of hours later Kimberley walks into the hotel room she and Cheryl share.

Cheryl’s sitting cross legged on the bed with her ear buds in texting Tre, so she doesn’t notice Kimberley walking in. 

She startles a bit when Kimberley sits down next to her. 

She takes her ear buds out and greets her.

‘’What took you so long to get to our room? I left more than an hour ago.’’

‘’I went to Nicola, she’s still a mess and she was crying and stuff so I had to comfort her.’’

‘’I feel so sorry for her, she’s been crying almost every night.’’

‘’I know, I hope it goes better after the tour when she’s back to Charlie.’’

Cheryl nods. ‘’By the way, how are your little ones doing?’’ she asks stroking Kimberley’s bump.

‘’They’re doing a very good job at hiding themselves, I haven’t heard anything about me being pregnant so I’m happy about that’’ she smiles.

‘’When are you gonna tell the fans?’’

‘’I don’t know, I think soon, because they’re twins so you’ll notice it faster than if it was one.’’

‘’Hmm okay, any idea how you’re gonna do it?’’

‘’I thought maybe we could post a picture on twitter of us facing each other and you hold my bump and I hold yours and then we put hashtack Preggas Aloud or something.’’

‘’I like that, I think we should do that’’ Cheryl says smiling.

I’m gonna put my pyjamas on, I need all of my energy for the last show of the tour tomorrow.’’

Cheryl gets off the bed and looks in her suitcase. 

Once she finds her pyjamas, she puts them on and goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth and takes her makeup off. 

Kimberley first takes a shower, then she brushes her teeth and lays down on the bed next to Cheryl. 

She pulls the cover up and turns around so she faces Cheryl.

‘’Chez can I ask you something?’’

‘’Of course, what do you wanna know?’’

‘’When will my boobs stop hurting? I can’t even touch them anymore, it’s like I’m twelve again.’’

‘’They won’t stop, mines still hurt, but less worse than at the beginning.’’

‘’Uuuuh I don’t like it’’ Kimberley moans. 

"It'll be worth it once they're born." 

"I know, it's nice to be pregnant together with you."

"Hmm hmm, now I'm not the only hormonal mess anymore." 

"Am I moody?" 

"Not really, you're just a bit snappy sometimes, but you can't help it. By the way, do you still feel like a fat whale?"

Kimberley laughs.

"No, now I know why I felt like that."

Cheryl lets out a loud yawn. 

"I think we need to sleep now, night Kimba."

"Goodnight Chez."

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