Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Tre's pov

Fcuk now she thinks I'm cheating on her, but I'm not. Of course I'm not, I would never hurt her. 

I tried to call her back, but she won't pick up her phone. 

I do understand why she reacts like this, but it hurts me that she thinks I'm cheating on her. 

I'm gonna try to call her once more.

Cheryl's pov

No no no, this can't be. I should've know that I can't trust him. 

Kimberley was right, we were going too fast. 

If we took it easier I'd have seen that he is just as bad as Ashley, but now I can't go back. 

I'm carrying his baby while he's in America shagging other girls. 

Almost every night I had a nightmare of him cheating on me, and now it actually happened. 

Why can't I have a man who stays with me? Why always me? What have I done to deserve this pain again? 

Why can't I just be lucky in love for once? Why why why? 

Oh great, now he calls me again, I'm not gonna pick up though. 

Or maybe I should, I mean why would he pick up his phone while he is doing things with another girl? 

Maybe he didn't cheat on me and I'm being a paranoid *female dog*? 

I guess I should at least let him explain to me. Maybe he does have an explanation unlike Ashley. 

I'm gonna pick up. 

"Okay I give you one minute to explain why you're with a girl" I say.

"Chez baby listen, I'm not cheating on you. I would never hurt you and you know that. I'm with a girl, because she asked me if I could drive her from the hotel to the arena 'cause her car is getting fixed at the garage. All we do is chat and I haven't even touched her. I would never cheat on you, why would I when I've got the most beautiful, talented, gorgeous, adorable, funny and sweetest woman in the world?" 

I don't know what to say. I've been jumping to conclusions and wrongly accused him of cheating on me. I know he wouldn't do that, but still. 

"I'm so sorry Tre, I should have known that you wouldn't do that. I'm sorry for being such a paranoid *female dog*. I.. I don't really know what to say" I say sobbing through the phone. 

"Baby don't cry, it's okay. I understand why you thought I'd cheated on you, but that's not your fault. I can't blame you for what your ex-husband has done to you. I'm already glad you believe me."

"I miss you" I say crying even more now.

"I miss you too gorgeous, but we'll see each other in two weeks remember?"

I nod, but then I realise he can't see that.

"Yeah I know, but I've got to hang up now, my lasagne is gonna get burnt if I don't take it out of the oven right now."

"Okay, take care baby, I love you."

"I will, I love you too" I say and hang up. 

After I've eaten my lasagne I feed Buster and Coco. Then I lay down on my sofa and open up my laptop. 

I log in on twitter and reply to some tweets. Some fans are very amusing! 

I go through the pictures on my phone to see if there's a nice one I can put on twitter. 

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