Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Tre knocks on the bedroom door. 

"Come in" Cheryl says.

Tre opens the door and walks over to their bed. He carefully places the tray with breakfast on it. 

A smile appears on Cheryl's face when she sees what Tre's made her. 

He made toast with butter, fresh orange juice, bacon and eggs.    

"Wow have you made this?"

"Yes I have."

"Aahw thank you, I'm sorry for shouting at you and being such a *female dog*."

"It's okay Chez."

"No it's not, I shouldn't have taken my emotions out on you, but all this with Kimba just stresses me out" Cheryl sighs.

Tre pulls the cover up and sits down next to Cheryl. He takes her hand and places a kiss on her forehead.

"It's okay Chez, I totally understand that it's hard for you when your best friends gets kidnapped, but you really need to take it easy now. You're eight months pregnant remember."

"Oh yeah now I remember, I almost forgot! Probably because it's absolutely not visible" Cheryl jokes rubbing her huge bump. 

"No but okay, I will try to take it easy. It's tiring me out" Cheryl says.

"Okay, can I call you babe again?"

"Of course you can, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising" Tre says popping a piece of toast is Cheryl's mouth.

"Hmm, that's yummy" Cheryl says once she's swallowed the piece of toast.

"Yeah I thought you'd like that" Tre smiles.

"Aahw you didn't have to make me breakfast after I treated you like sh!t."

"I've got to treat my pregnant girlfriend well’’ he replies placing a soft kiss on Cheryl’s forehead.

‘’Can I get a proper kiss?’’ Cheryl asks showing off her puppy eyes.

‘’Stop the puppy eyes, you know I can’t resist them’’ Tre chuckles.

‘’That’s exactly why I do it’’ Cheryl says giggling.

Tre leans in and places his lips on Cheryl’s. She immediately opens her mouth a bit, allowing his tongue to come in. 

Cheryl wraps her arms around  his neck and runs her nails over his shoulder blades. 

She feels butterflies erupting in her stomach and deepens their kiss. 

She turns around a bit so she’s now fully facing Tre. 

He brings his hands to her behind her and caresses her bare back where her top has moved slightly. 

Once they’ve pulled apart, Tre starts kissing Cheryl’s neck, making her moan. 

She quickly places the tray with breakfast on the ground and Tre continues kissing her neck. 

Cheryl’s hands slip into Tre’s pants and she slowly pulls it down. 

Tre stops kissing and takes Cheryl’s top off. Cheryl pushes Tre down and sits down on his lap. 

‘’Let me make up okay?’’ she whispers in his ear. 

Tre nods and Cheryl kisses him once more before taking her own knickers off and tossing it onto the ground. 

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