Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Tre's POV

As I pull up at the driveway, I see the front door being wide open. 

There must be something wrong, Cheryl never leaves the door open. 

I quickly get out of my car and make my way towards the house. 

As soon as I step on the doorstep, I see Cheryl curled up into a ball on the ground. She's sobbing loudly so I bend down. 

"Cheryl, what's happened baby?"

She sits up and hugs me tightly. I stroke her back in the attempt to calm her down. 

"Kimb... Kimberley" she stutters.

"What's happened to Kimberley?"

"Mark... He took her."

"Oh no, let's sit down and tell me what happened" I say as I help her to stand up and walk with her to the living room. 

She sits down on the sofa and I get her a cup of tea. I hand her the steaming mug and she starts talking. 

"Kimberley was here and we were just chatting a bit and then I got another contraction, but I already had one last night and I normally don't have that often so I thought it'd be good if I'd lay down for a bit. 

I went upstairs and after fifteen minutes or something Kimberley came to check me and then the doorbell went so she went to open it and when I looked out of the window to see who it was I saw Mark forcing Kimberley to go to his car and when I got downstairs he was already gone" Cheryl says in one breath, making it almost impossible for me to understand. 

"So Mark has kidnapped Kimberley?"

"Yes, I need to find her Tre, what if he's gonna hurt her or her babies?!"

"Baby you can't go and find her, it's too dangerous. Have you called the police yet?"

"Yes I have, but what are they gonna do when they come here? Mark's gone Kimberley's gone!"

"Well at least they can ask us some things about them to make it easier to find them."

"But... I want my Kimba" Cheryl mumbles before bursting out in tears again. 

After a few minutes of me stoking her back and rocking her like a child, the police arrives. 

I place a kiss on Cheryl's head and walk towards the door. 

I open up and the policemen introduce themselves to me. I lead them into the living room and they greet Cheryl too. 

"Hello miss Tweedy, I'm officer Johnson, we've seen each other a couple times before" one of the men says. 

"H... Hello" Cheryl manages to say through her sobs. 

"So, what's happened?" one of the others asks.

I see Cheryl trying to speak, but words can't come out. I decide to speak for her, even though I don't really know what happened.

"Well uuhm, I came back from the gym and I saw the front door being wide open so I assumed something must be wrong. 

When I came in, Cheryl was crying and she told me that Mark had kidnapped Kimberley."

The officers write some notes down while I'm still stroking Cheryl's back. She's stopped crying and starts talking.

"You've got to find them, he's gonna hurt her and her babies!"

"So you say he's gonna hurt them, has he ever been violent towards her if you know?"

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