Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

One month later

‘’Baby, are you nearly finished? The guests will be here any second’’ Tre shouts up the stairs. 

They have planned a little farewell buffet because they are going to New Jersey the next day. They only invited close friends and family to keep it intimate. They also had a catering to do the food as they both aren't great chefs. 

They’ve put sun loungers, picnic tables, little picnic tables for the children and garden benches in the garden and also a table with drinks and little snacks so everyone can pick whatever they like.             

‘’Yeah, I’m coming’’ Cheryl says, walking down the stairs.

‘’Wow, you look amazing’’ Tre says, eyeing her up. She’s wearing a black jumpsuit with a little yellow belt around her waist and yellow matching gladiators to make it not too glamorous.

‘’Looking very handsome yourself’’ she replies. Tre’s got a black jeans on, a turquoise button down shirt  tucked in it, a tie with a bow tie and turquoise Vans. Cheryl smiles at Tre who pokes her dimples. 

"Laila hasn't got them, has she?" he asks. 

"No, but I'm sure she'll get them too. She's the spitting image of me when I was her age so I think she will."

"I don't think so, we must've seen them by now right?"

"I don't know, I still think she'll get them though" Cheryl says, sticking her tongue out. 

‘’Is she ready?’’ Cheryl asks to which Tre nods.

‘’She’s asleep upstairs and I’ve already set the table so we’re done’’ Tre says, feeling quite proud of himself.

‘’Wow baby, thank you’’ Cheryl says, standing on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck to kiss him. 

She feels him gently squeezing her bum, making her gasp. 

Tre takes this opportunity and quickly pushes his tongue into Cheryl’s mouth. 

"Mmmm" Cheryl moans into his mouth. Tre feels himself getting aroused as Cheryl presses her body against his. 

He slowly runs his hands down Cheryl's back whilst she gently nibbles his bottom lip. 

Suddenly the doorbell rings, making Cheryl startle and accidentally bite his lip. 

"Oww Chez, that hurts!" he says, rubbing his lip.

"I'm sorry baby" Cheryl says, trying not to laugh. 

"Shall I give you a magical mammy kiss?" she smirks.

"No thanks, I've had enough kisses for now.’’  Cheryl pouts at him before going to open the door. 

"Aaaah Chezzie!" Lily squeals, hugging her friend.

"How's my little flowerpot?" Cheryl asks, squeezing Lily's cheeks. 

"Flowerpot is great, what about Chezzabella?"

"Same! Come in Lils" she says, letting Lily in. Lily walks into the living room and greets Tre who is holding a cold wet wipe against his bottom lip. 

"Hola Tre, que pasa?" she asks, looking at his lip.

"Hi Lily, you should ask that little pain in the ass over there what happened" he says, pointing at Cheryl who is chuckling away to herself. 

"Chez... what have you done to the poor lad?" she asks, raising her eyebrow at her.

"I bit his lip" she says, trying to look innocent. Lily laughs and shakes her head disapprovingly at her. 

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