Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Kimberley opens the door and greets the four girls with a hug. She leads them into the living room. 

Kimberley has already made tea and has put lots of different cookies on a heart shaped plate. 

Cheryl immediately attacks the Hob Nobs, making the others laugh.

"Have you got any food cravings Chez?" Nicola asks.

Cheryl nods "I've got some really strange food cravings now."

"Like what?" Nadine asks.

"Promise me you won't laugh" Cheryl says blushing slightly.

"Is it that bad?" Nicola asks.

"Yes, I eat pickles with peanut butter and I actually like goats cheese now." They all pull a face showing they don't think it's very tasty.

"Ew that's gross" Sarah says pretending to throw up.

"You like goats cheese?!" Nicola says wide eyed.

"Yap, don't ask me why, but I can't keep my hands off it."

"Yaay now I'm not the only one who likes goats cheese anymore" Nicola says. 

They keep chatting about random things for a bit, when Sarah asks why they had to come.

"Well, there's something I wanna tell you, wait a sec." 

Kimberley stands up and opens a cupboard. She searches and when she finds it, she holds it behind her back and walks back to the girls.

"Tadaaa" she says and holds up a scan. All the girls are very happy for her and congratulate her.

"Oh and by the way, it's not one but two, I'm having twins" Kimberley says with a massive smile.

"Oh my God, that's amazing" Cheryl says.

"Three babies aloud, that's awesome" Nicola says. Nadine wants to see the scan, so Kimberley sits down next to her and shows her the scan.

"Aahw I'm so happy for you, how far along are you?" Nadine asks.

"Almost two months" Kimberley answers.

"Show us your bump" Sarah says. Kimberley stands up and tightens her top a bit, so they can see her small bump.

"It's still small but it'll grow fast because there's two of them, but don't tell anyone yet. 

The midwife said there's a possibility one of them might not make it, they've seen that happen quite often."

"Aahw babe I'm sure they'll make it, and of course we won't tell anyone" Cheryl says. 

They keep chatting about baby names, what they think the genders will be and other random things. Nicola’s told them that she told Charlie about the rape and they went to the police, and she also said that she isn’t pregnant.

"Okay girls, I've got to go home now, I told Tre I wouldn't be home too late" Cheryl says and walks towards the door.

The others follow her and let her out.


The first tour date

"I can't do this Chez, I'm throwing up every two minutes, how am I gonna stand there on stage and sing and dance for more than an hour?!" 

"Calm down Kimba, it'll be alright. If anything goes wrong, you just go off stage, okay?" Kimberley nods. 

"And the dancing isn't that wild, so I'm sure you can keep everything inside." 

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