Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When they wake up it's already 11 am. "What time do we have to be at the spa?" Kimberley asks. "At twelve, we should hurry. 

You can have a shower if you want, I'll make us some breakfast." Cheryl makes toast, orange juice and scrambled eggs. 

"Oh it smells delicious" Kimberley says when she walks in. They eat their breakfast, Cheryl gets a shower and they do their makeup.

 "Don't we need a bikini Cheryl?" "Maybe we do, do you want my red bikini? You look amazing in red." 

"Do I?" "Yes you do, but you even look amazing in a plastic bag." They get into Cheryl's car and drive to the spa. 

The other girls are there already and they get into the hot tub. 

"Kimba, can I say that you bum looks amazing in Cheryl's bikini" Nicola says.

"How do you know it's Cheryl's?" "Because your arse is a bit too big for it" they all laugh. 

"Cheryl, when are you going to tell the world about your baby and engagement?" Nadine asks when she looks at Cheryl's mini bump. 

"I don't know, when is our next tv interview?" "Uhm, in two weeks we have an interview with Alan Carr." "I think I'll tell it then." 

"Maybe you and Tre should get caught by the paparazzi first with your ring on and your hand on your tummy so Alan can ask something about it and then you say it. Otherwise it'd be like 'oh by the way, I'm pregnant and engaged. And apart from that, he also gives us alcohol so he'll ask you why you don't drink it"

"Maybe we should, the tabloids will be very happy too, then they can write about something else than me getting kicked out of Girls Aloud." They all laugh and enjoy the heat of the hot tub. After that they get a massage and relax in the sauna. 

"Nads, what a great idea to go here, I'm feeling much better now." "Yes Chez, I know exactly what my girls need." 

When Cheryl drives home she feels good. Nadine know so good what she needs. She is a very happy woman right now. 

She looks at her phone and sees a missed call of Tre and calls him back. "Hi gorgeous." "Hi babe, I saw you called me." 

"Yes, I've got good news." "Oooh what is it?" "I auditioned for Jennifer Lopez and she wants me!" 

"Oh my God Tre, you're going to dance for J Lo, that's amazing!" "I know, but I won't be with you for two months." 

"When is it then?" "The tour starts in four months so you'll be touring then with Girls Aloud." 

"But you said it's for two months, so I'll be alone for one month." "Yes, can you miss me for so long?" 

"I don't think so. When are you coming back?" "I'm coming in two days, but I've got to hang up now, bye gorgeous." "Bye." 

When Cheryl comes home she is totally relaxed and has nothing to do, so she does a tweeting session. She loves talking to her Soldiers. 

When her fingers can't type anymore she turns her laptop off and makes dinner. When she's finished she hears the doorbell. S

he opens the door, it's Nicola. "Hi Chezza." "Hi Nic, come in babe. Do you want a drink?" "Yes please." "What do you want, juice, wine, tea or...." "I'd like a cuppa tea." Cheryl puts the kettle on and sits down next to Nicola. "So, what made you come here?" 

"Nothing really, I just fancied coming to you and chat a bit." "Oh okay then, just chatting or are you going to hear me out?" 

Nicola grins "maybe". They chat a bit when Nicola asks how Cheryl’s going to tour when she’s about five months pregnant. 

''I don’t know how, it’s going to be very hard.'' ''Have you already been to the doctor? You should ask him or her for advice.'' 

''No I haven’t, tomorrow is my first appointment.'' ''Is Tre already home then or are you going alone?'' 

''He won’t be here tomorrow, but I don’t want to go alone, do you want to go with me?'' 

''Of course I want to, what time do you want me to be here?'' ''I’ve got to be there at 11, so if you’re here at 10:30 we’ll be there in time. 

''Are you exited?'' ''Yes I am, I don’t know for how long I’m pregnant and I’ll know if my baby is okay.'' 

''How long do you think you’re pregnant?’’ 

''Your birthday was uuhm'' Cheryl counts out loud ''about four weeks ago, so four weeks I think, but I’m not sure.'' 

''Is your baby produced on my birthday? That's such an honour’’ Nicola says and takes a sip of her tea, but it’s too hot. 

''Aaaah fcuk!!!'' ''Nicola Maria Roberts, I do not want you to swear when my baby is around’’ Cheryl says with a posh accent. 

Nicola laughs "Sorry Cheryl Ann Holloway."

"Do you think I'll be a good mother?" Cheryl asks. "Of course you will, look at how you took care of me in our early days. You're very caring." "Aahw thanks Nic, I appreciate that." "I think I'm going home, Charlie's waiting for me." 

"Thanks for coming" Cheryl says and she gives her a hug. When Nicola is gone Cheryl warms up her dinner and eats it. 

She's got nothing to do so she watches a film and goes to bed. When she wakes up it's in the middle of the night and her stomach hurts. 

She drinks a bit of water she feels better, but when she walks back to her room she feels like she's going to throw up. 

She walks to the bathroom and throws up. When there's no more food left in her tummy she goes back to sleep.

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