Trezza - Gorgeous Chapter 3 part 1

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Chapter 3 

Hey everyone,

this is a short update, but I've got two hours of Dutch today, so I'll be updating twice today.

Hope you like it xx


Jeez, my stomach is acting so weird, what on earth is going on?! What if Tre's right and I am pregnant? 

The tour starts in four months and I can't tour when I'm pregnant. I can't let the girls down. I don't want to let the fans down. 

I'm afraid to do that test, but I have to. I wish Tre was here. I miss him so much. I'm going to ask him if he can come home a bit earlier. 

But what if he can't come earlier and I'm here stressing on my own. Auch, my stomach. I can't deal with this. My mind is overactive.

 I need to relax but I can't. I don't know what to do. Why is this happening to me at this moment? Oh God, I seriously need to calm down. 

I'll make myself a cuppa, watch some Disney films and try to get some sleep. 

I walk to the kitchen. As soon as I'm there I feel my breakfast going the opposite direction than it should. I run to the sink and throw up. 

When I feel like there's no more food left in my stomach I wash my mouth. I put the kettle on and decide to watch Cinderella, which makes me think of Nicola. Why don't I have a listen to her album? No, I can better listen to Nadine's because her songs are a bit slower than Nicola's this-song-makes-you-wanna-dance songs. 

I lie down on the sofa listening to Nadine's amazing voice. I take a sip of my tea and fall asleep.

I wake up when I hear someone knocking on my door. I walk to the door and open it. It's Kimberley. 

"Hi Chez." she says.

"Hi Kimba, come in, d'you want a cuppa?" "Oh yes, I'm almost dehydrated."

"It can't be that worse, can it?"

Kimberley sits down on my sofa and I give her a cup of tea. 

"Thank you." She says. 

"Kimba, I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"That I might be pregnant."

"Didn't you and Tre use something?"

"No, I know it's stupid, but we didn't think about it and we were *ducking* drunk."

I start crying and Kimberley tries to comfort me.

"It's not that I don't want to be pregnant, but the tour starts in four months and I can't dance if I'm pregnant."

"Have you done a pregnancy test yet?"

"No, I'm too afraid."

"Well, you should do one, and then we'll see what we're going to do."

"You don't mean an abortion, right?"

"No Cheryl, of course not, I know you good enough to know that you'll never do that."

We take a sip of our tea and eat a cookie. 

"Did you know that you're kicked out of Girls Aloud?" 

"I am what?!"

"Nicola saw on tv that you're not in Girls Aloud anymore and they showed a picture of you crying when you left rehearsals two days ago."  

They both start laughing.

"It amazes me how people come up with these weird stories." I say. 

We're watching Bambi when someone knocks on the door. 

I stand up, walk to the door and open it. It's Tre. "Hi gorgeous" he says. I wraps my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Hi babe." Tre comes in and sees Kimberley on the sofa. "Hi Kimberley." "Hi Tre, congratulations with your mum."

"Thanks" he says and walks to the kitchen to get a drink.

"I think I'm going to leave" Kimberley says and walks to the door. I give her a hug "See you". "Please do that test" Kimberley whispers and leaves.

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