Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 

*three weeks later*

"Tre I don't know what to do" Cheryl sighs, walking around with Laila in her arms. She has been crying for the past two hours. 

Laila had woken them up for the last three weeks twice a night so Cheryl and Tre don't have much energy left, which makes them quite moody.

"And you think I know it?!"

"Well I don't know it either, someone's got to know it!" 

"Don't you have like a mothers instinct?"

"What?! So because I'm the mother I have to know everything and do everything?! I don't think so Tre!" Cheryl shouts at him. 

"Chez, I didn't mean" Tre says, but gets cut off by Cheryl.

"Just shut up please! You're really starting to p!ss me of!"

"I did't mean it like that Cheryl, I meant..."

"No!" she cuts him off again.

"I do not want to hear you and I do not want to see you right now, just go!!!" she shouts angrily. 

"Fine, I'll go" Tre says, getting his keys.

"And take Laila with you cause I can't stand this any longer!" she shouts, pushing Laila into his arms. 

He grabs some bottles for Laila and puts them in the changing bag before leaving the house. 

As soon as Cheryl hears the door being shut, she collapses onto the sofa. 

She bursts out crying when she realises what she's just done. 

"I'm such a bad mam" she mumbles to herself, a fresh waterfall of tears starts flooding. 

After what seemed like eternity, Cheryl decides to see where Tre and Laila are. 

She goes to get her phone, but sees Tre's phone next to it. She starts crying hysterically again.

 She can't cope anymore and dials Kimberley's number. 


"K... Kiim" she cries.

"Chez, what's wrong?" 

"I'm s.. such a b.. bad mam."

"What happened?!"

Cheryl tries to speak but can't because of her uncontrollable crying. 

"Do you want me to come over?" Kimberley asks.

"Yeah" she manages to say.

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit."

They hang up the phone and Cheryl tries to compose herself a bit, but fails. 

She leans her back to the wall and slowly slides down until she sits on the floor. 

She wraps her arms around her legs and cries into her knees. She cries until there are no more tears left so her crying turns into sobbing. She startles when she suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder. She looks up to see Kimberley standing in front of her. 

Kimberley holds her hand out so Cheryl takes it and stands up. Kimberley pulls Cheryl into a hug and strokes her back. 

As they pull away, Kimberley holds Cheryl's hand and leads her to the sofa. 

When they sit down, Cheryl has finally calmed down a bit and starts speaking. 

"I'm a horrible mother" she says.

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