Trezza-Gorgeous Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When Cheryl opens her door she sees Tre sitting on the sofa and sits down next to him. 
"Hi gorgeous, what did the girls say" he asks.
"They were happy for us, I told Kimberley first and the other girls when we had a break." 
"When are you going to tell your mom?" Cheryl sits down on Tre's lap with her face turned to his. 
She places a kiss on his mouth. "She invited us for dinner this Saturday, so I think we should tell it then."
"What do you think she's going to say?" Tre asks when he places his hands on her tummy. "I'm sure she'll be happy, she knows how much I always wanted to have a family."
"Cheryl, I have something to tell you." "Not something bad I hope." "I love you" he says and places some kisses in her neck.
"I love you too, and our baby too" she puts her hands on her tummy. "D'you prefer a boy or a girl?"
 "I'd say a girl if she'll be as pretty as you, but it doesn't matter what it will be or look like, I'll love it with whole my heart." 
"Aahw, you're so sweet" Cheryl says and she places her mouth on his again. She parts her lips to let Tre's tongue in. 
Their tongues start dancing with each other. She puts her arms around his neck and softly moans. Tre's hands go under her top which turns Cheryl on. "What do you think of going out for dinner" Tre asks when they stop for some air. "I'd love to go out for dinner, but I first need to put something different on, ‘cause I don’t want to be seen in my sweaty outfit.’’
She walks into her closet and picks a little black dress with a bit of glitter on it. 
She re-does her hair and make-up and goes downstairs when her phone beeps. It's a text from Lily. 
>> Hii Chez, do you fancy coming to me for dinner? L Xx << 
She replies >> Sorry Lils, I'm going out with Tre. C Xx <<
Tre opens the door for her and they get into the car. “Where are we going to eat?’’ 
"You’ll see when we get there.’’ 
Tre drives to Cheryl’s favourite restaurant. “How do you know this is my fave?’’ 
“Because you always told me you wanted to take me there.” 
They walk in and order their meals. While they’re waiting, Tre walks away. ‘’Where are you going babe?’’
“I’m just going to the loo’’ he says. When Tre is back, the waiter comes with one of those trays with a lit on it as you see in posh restaurants. When he lifts the lit she sees a box with a ring and Tre goes down on his knees. ‘’Cheryl, I love you so much and I want to spend my whole life with you, have kids with you and want still want to be with you when we're old. Chez, will you marry me?’’ 
Cheryl’s eyes fill with tears. ‘’Oh Tre, of course I will’’ she says and kisses Tre.
Apparently the whole restaurant has seen it and they all start clapping and congratulate them. 
They enjoy the rest of their dinner and head back home.
They have an amazing first night as fiancée. 


The next day Cheryl can't wait to tell the girls the news. She puts her diamond engagement ring on and goes to rehearsals.
She enters the studio with a huge smile on her face. Luckily all the girls are there. "Cheryl, where does your euphoria come from?" 
Sarah asks. "Tre proposed to me" she says and shows her ring. "I'm so happy for you hunny, you two are made for each other" Nadine says. "Will you be Cheryl Holloway then?" Nicola asks. "Yeah, I don't think you want to be Cole when you're married to Tre" Kimberley says. 
"We haven't spoken about that yet, but I think I'm going to be Mrs. Holloway." She smiles when she says that. 
They get in their positions and start rehearsing. When they stop to have a break, Kimberley walks to Cheryl. 
"Can I come home with you after rehearsals? I want to talk with you." "Of course you can, what do you want to talk about?" 
"You'll see" she says and takes a sip of her water. 

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