Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The girls arrive at the hospital and see Tre waiting for them. He greets them and walks over to Cheryl. She opens her arms and hugs him. 

"I've already told them you were coming so we can go straight to your room" he says. 

Cheryl nods and follows him to her room. Tre helps Cheryl to get into the bed and sits down on a chair next to it. 

The girls also sit down and a woman comes over to them. 

"Hi, my name's Lucy and I'll be your midwife throughout the birth" she says. 

She is very friendly which makes Cheryl feels much less nervous.

They all greet her back and Lucy walks towards Cheryl. 

"Have your waters already broke?" Lucy asks.

"Yes they have" Cheryl replies.

"I'm going to feel a bit to see if your baby's position is alright, okay?" 

Cheryl nods so Lucy places her hands on Cheryl's bump and presses a bit on several places. 

"Your baby is complete breech, which means that the head is where normally the bum should be. 

If the bum comes out first, the baby might suffocate or get neck or back injuries. 

We can try to turn the baby, but if that doesn't work, you'll probably need a c-section."

"Oh okay, are there risks of turning her?" Cheryl asks.

"The cubicle cord might be too short, but it is more dangerous to deliver a breech baby than turning the baby."

"Can I still have a normal birth when she's turned?"

"Yes you can. Shall I get someone to turn your baby?"

Cheryl nods so the midwife goes to get someone who can turn her baby. 

She comes back with a kind looking woman.

"Hello, my name's Beth" she says holding her hand out.

"Hi I'm Cheryl" she says shaking the woman's hand.

"I need to turn your baby which will probably be uncomfortable for you, but it's better for your baby okay?"

Cheryl nods and Beth places her hands on Cheryl's bump.

"So here we have the bum, and if I press it upwards, the head will automatically go down if I press there a bit too, the baby will turn" she explains to which Cheryl nods and Beth starts pressing. 

Cheryl frowns and squeezes Tre's hand when the baby's head hits her ribs. 

Soon the baby is fully turned and Cheryl's bump back to the normal shape. 

Beth squeezes some gel onto Cheryl's bump and places the ultrasound device on it. 

The baby appears on the monitor. 

"The position is okay now. We need to check how much time there is between each contraction. 

When there's one minute between them, you're probably around ten centimetres dilated so you can start pushing okay?"

"Okay, how much dilated am I now?"

"I'll check in a minute, I need to write some things down and attach you to this machine which counts how much time there is between your contraction and then we'll see how much dilated you are" Lucy smiles. 

Beth wishes Cheryl good luck, tells Lucy she can get her when Cheryl is going to start pushing and leaves the room.

Lucy attaches Cheryl to the machine and checks her dilation.

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