Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When Cheryl opens the door all the lights are on. She doesn't know who it is because Tre should come tomorrow. 

"Hello?" No one answers. She walks through her house, but can't find someone. She goes upstairs to her bedroom. 

Tre is sleeping so she wakes him up. "Babe, why are you here already? You said you'd come tomorrow." 

"I took a flight earlier so you didn't have to wait so long." "Were you afraid I would miss you?" "No, I missed you." 

"Did you? That's cute" Cheryl says as she puts her pyjamas on and sits down on the bed. "How did your doctor appointment go?" 

"Good, she said that I'm four weeks pregnant and the baby is healthy." "That's great, have you thought of names yet?" 

"No I haven't, I'll wait until we know whether it's a boy or a girl." Tre pulls the duvet away and sits up behind Cheryl. 

He puts his arms around her and kisses her in her neck. When she turns her head to kiss him she sees that his eye is red and swollen. 

"What on earth have you done?!" "Well, at the auditions there was a guy and I made a joke about him, but he didn't like that so he punched me." "Did you punch him back?" "No, he seemed quite aggressive and I didn't want to have a fight." 

"I would have punched him back though. Next time you have to punch back and walk away, it always worked for me. Almost always." 

Tre laughs. "Does it hurt?" "A bit, but do you know what hurts more?" "Well...." "That you don't give me a kiss." 

"Aahw poor you" Cheryl says when she pushes him down and climbs on top of him. 

She places some kisses on his mouth and enjoys the feeling of Tre's big hands on her back. She feels his hands slip under her top. 

He looks in her eyes in a certain way as if he asks permission to go further, so Cheryl nods and feels his warms hands on her breasts. 

Cheryl quietly moans. "They say making love is even better when you're pregnant" Cheryl says with a cheeky smile. 

"Let me guess, you want to know that from your own experience, am I right?" "Wow, you are so clever!" Cheryl caresses his whole body. 

She touches his six pack and opens her eyes for a second to see how amazing it looks. 

Tre places butterfly kisses in Cheryl's neck, because he knows that's Cheryl's weak spot. Tre rolls over so he's on top. 

He places some kisses on her tummy and goes a bit higher to her breasts. Cheryl's hand slips into Tre's boxers. 

She undresses him and takes her top and knickers off. Tre places his hand on Cheryl's thigh, goes higher and slowly moves closer to her spot. Cheryl loves the feeling, you can see it in her eyes. When his hands come close to her spot, they go to her tummy and he starts kissing her neck again. His lips go lower and he kisses her breasts. Then he kisses her nipples and slowly sucks them. 

He knows it turns Cheryl on. When he thinks it's enough he goes up and kisses her lips again. 

His hand goes to her thigh again and this time he goes all the way up to her pussy. First he rubs it slowly. 

Cheryl moans "Tre, please don't stop." They start kissing faster and his rubbing goes faster too. 

His finger slips into her and goes up and down. Cheryl loves it. He feels she gets more wet. Suddenly he stops. 

Cheryl knows it's her turn now so she rolls over, kisses his neck and goes down to his nipple. 

She caresses the one and the other one she kisses. First she kisses it and then she sucks it. 

She goes down to his belly button. When she is almost there her hands glide over his leg up to his thing. 

Her hand grabs it and slowly moves up and down. Again they start kissing faster and her hand goes faster too. 

She feels his mate starts growing more and it's getting even harder. 

Cheryl stops and starts kissing his nipple again, followed by his belly button and this time she goes down to his thing. 

First she kisses it and then she starts sucking. She knows Tre loves it and puts it further into her mouth. 

She twirls her tongue around it. When she thinks her mouth has done enough she goes a bit higher and guides Tre into her. 

Cheryl starts rocking on Tre and kisses him roughly. She moans out loud. 

Cheryl reaches her climax and an euphoric feeling goes through her body. A bit later she feels Tre exploding inside her. 

As soon as she feels Tre going out of her she kisses him passionately. His hands glide over her bum and then over her breasts. 

Cheryl's mouth goes back to Tre's and her tongue plays with his. "Is it better now you're pregnant?" Tre asks when they stop to get some air "Oh yes, definitely" Cheryl says as she places a kiss on Tre's forehead. 

Cheryl rests her head on Tre's chest and they stay in that position for a couple minutes.

"I love you" he whispers in her ear. "I love you too, but now I'm going to the kitchen, I'm starving" she says as she puts on her dressing gown. "You're always hungry, aren't you?" "Hey, I've got to feed two people, that doesn't count." "Yes it does" Tre sticks his tongue out. 

When Cheryl walks downstairs she feels that she's going to throw up. She races to the sink and throws up. 

She drinks a glass of water and goes back to Tre, because she doesn't think it's a good idea to eat now. 

"Shall we watch a movie?" Tre asks. "I'd rather go sleeping now, I'm knackered." 

Cheryl puts her pyjamas back on and lies down next to Tre. 

Her head rests on his chest when she falls asleep.

The next day at Joan

"Shall I help you with cooking?" Cheryl asks. "Yes, I could use a little help." 

Cheryl walks into her mums kitchen. "So Cheryl, I've heard that you're engaged, is that true?" 

"Who told you that?" "Nobody, I was just guessing." "Oh okay, but it is true." 

"Really Cheryl? I mean Mrs Holloway. When will the wedding be?" "We don't know that yet."

"So, when are you going to settle down and have kids?" "Probably sooner than you think." 

"Cheryl, have you got something to tell me?" "Maybe....." Cheryl says with a cheeky smile. 

Joan looks into Cheryl's eyes with a don't-be-so-silly-look. "Oh okay then, Tre and I are having a baby" Cheryl says with a huge smile on her face. "Congratulations, you're finally going to be the mother like you always wanted." Cheryl sees a tear on her cheek. 

"Why are you crying?" "I'm just so happy for you. For how long?" 

"Four weeks." 

"But how will you go touring then?" "The doctor said I still can go on tour, but no dangerous things and stuff." 

"You better be careful." "I will be." 

They continue cooking and have a lovely evening. 

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