Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cheryl's pov

I'm doing my makeup as I hear my buzzer. I open the door for Nicola. "Good morning Chezza." 

"Good morning Nic." Nicola comes in. "I'm almost done with my makeup" I say and go back to the bathroom. 

When I'm done I put my shoes and coat on and we leave. "Are you exited Chez?" "I'm very very very excited." 

In a couple minutes I will know whether my baby is okay or not. 

We walk into the doctor's room. "Hello miss Cole, how are you?" "Hello, I'm fine, thank you." 

"You can lie down on the examination table. I see you've brought your friend with you." "Yes, I didn't like to come alone." 

"Where is the father then?" "He is in Los Angeles for his work." "Oh okay, can you lift op your top a bit so I can check your baby?" 

I lift up my top. I grab Nicola's hand when the doctor puts some cold gel on my tummy. 

She places a thing on it and I can see my baby on the monitor. "You are four weeks pregnant and you baby is doing fine." 

"That's amazing." When we leave the doctor's room I'm still holding Nicola's hand. "Thank you for coming with me." 

"No problem, do you fancy going shopping?" "Of course I do." We walk into a baby shop and look at the cute little clothes. 

The new born clothes are adorable. When I look outside I see paparazzi. "Oh God Nic, they've spotted us in a baby shop!" 

"Relax Chez, as long as they can't read our minds they won't know that you're pregnant."

"But I still don't like it, let's go to checkout and go to regular shops." 

When I pay I see the cashier looking at my engagement ring, this will be in the papers tomorrow. 

When we walk through the shopping centre some fans ask us for a picture. 

"Cheryl, are you engaged?" a girl with a 'keep calm and soldier on' hoodie asks. I know her from Twitter. 

"Yes" I whisper in her ear. We take a picture and continue walking. "Why did you tell her? You was going to tell in at Alan Carr right?" 

"I'm going to confirm it then, now I'm starting nice rumours about myself so the bad ones will disappear." Nicola laughs 

"Oh Cheryl, your plans are so thoughtful." My plan is quite good to be honest, I wonder how that girl feels when she's the first fan who knows it. I unlock my phone and read my timeline. I see a tweet of the girl we just saw. 


I retweet it and watch the fans go crazy. We have a break at Starbucks. 

When we have finished our coffee we go to a few more shops. I see Nicola smile when we walk along her Dainty Doll makeup range. 

Then we walk along L'oreal and I see my own face. It's quite weird to see myself in a shop. 

"Shall we go home after this shop? My feet hurt" I ask. "So do mine." I hear a familiar song, it's The Promise. 

We can't help but sing along quietly. When the song's finished the people in the shop start clapping. 

We leave the shop and Nicola brings me home. "I've missed our shopping sessions" I say. "So do I" Nicola says and she hugs me.

 I say goodbye and she leaves. I haven't got something to do so I go out for a walk with Buster and Coco. 

After that I make myself dinner and take a bath. I unpack my bags and find the cute baby clothes.

Nicola picked an adorable white babygrow that will be the first outfit my baby will wear when it's born. I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl. 

I'm secretly hoping for a girl so I can do her hair, put cute dresses on and things like that. My phone rings. 

"Hello." "Hi gorgeous, how are you." "I'm fine, I've been shopping with Nicola and I told a fan that we're getting married." "Really, why?" 

"I start nice rumours about us so they'll stop with the bad ones." 

"My gorgeous girl is so clever, when are you going to tell everyone about our baby?" 

"Well, Nadine came up with an idea. We have an interview with Alan Carr in two weeks so I'll be wearing my ring then, and he always gives us alcohol so if I don't want alcohol he'll ask about it and then I say it. Otherwise it comes out of the blue." 

"Yeah we could do that." "I've got to hang up now, the dogs are getting hungry." "Okay, see you gorgeous." "bye." 

It's Saturday tomorrow so we are going to tell my family about the news. I wonder how they'll react. 

Hopefully they are as happy as we are. 

My phone rings, it's Lily. "Hi Lils." "Hi Chez, how are you?" "I'm fine, but I've got something to tell you." 

"Oooh what is it? I hope nothing bad." "No, it's not bad at all, it's rather amazing." "Cheryl stop, you're making me curious, what is it?" 

"I want to tell you in person, have you got something to do now?" "No I'm doing nothing actually." 

"That's good, shall I come to you?" "Yes that's fine." "Okay, see you in a bit." 

"See you." I get into my car and drive to Lily. 

When I stop for the red light, I look at the car next to me. The driver is staring at me. 

He's blowing kisses at me and is trying to get fresh with me. I'm totally not interested so I stick up my middle finger. 

The light turns green and I continue driving. I arrive at Lily's. She opens the door. "God Cheryl, you made me damn curious." 

"You know what they say, the good will come to the ones who wait." "But you know I'm very impatient." 

"You've got to grow patience then....." "I'll try, do you want a cuppa tea?" "Yes please." I sit down on her sofa. 

Lily puts the kettle on and sits down next to me. "So, you've got amazing news, let me guess, you are...." 

"No don't guess, I'll tell you auntie Lily." "AUNTIE?! Do you mean you're pregnant?" "Yes" I say with a huge smile on my face. 

"Congratulations Chez, for how long?" "For four weeks." "That's amazing, what does Tre think of it?" 

"He is very happy to have a little family." "Aahw, how was going out with him?" 

"It was amazing, the restaurant was romantic, the food delicious and...." I hold up my ring "Tre proposed to me!" 

"Oh wow, congratulations Mrs. Holloway." 

"Cheryl Holloway, that sounds cool, doesn't it?" "I'm wondering what accent your baby will have, Geordie or American?" 

"Haha can you imagine?" Lily tries an American-Geordie accent but it fails. 

"I'm going to cook, do you want to stay for dinner? I'm making quiche." "Ooh I love quiche, so yes."

"Good, can you help me with cooking then?" "Only because you asked it so friendly." We have a lovely evening and I go back home. 

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