Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

‘’Wow Kimba, have you brought your whole wardrobe with you? You’re only staying for a week!’’ Cheryl laughs at Kimberley carrying her huge suitcase. 

“Hey instead of laughing at me you could also help me carrying the stuff I need if I want to stay with my gorgeous best friend for a week because she doesn’t like being alone.’’ 

Kimberley folds her arms like a 4 year old child that doesn’t get what it wants. 

‘’Sorry Kimbers, Preggas has to take it easy’’ Cheryl says and sticks her tongue out. 

"It's all being clocked Preggas." 

When they're finally settled down on the sofa they discuss their plans for the coming days. 

After that they talk about random stuff. 

"So, when are you going to settle down and have children?" 

"This is the millionth time you ask that." 

"But when?" 

"After the tour Chez, you already know that." 

"I know, but I just like to ask it, by the way, how's it going between you and Justin?" 

"Much better, he finally believes that I'm not in love with Pasha." 

"Aahw that's great, you two are such a good couple." 

"Thank you, so are you and Tre, you two are adorable, it's cute how you can't keep your hands off him." 

Cheryl's face turns red and Kimberley laughs at her. Just as Cheryl opens her mouth to speak, her phone beeps. 

She unlocks her phone and reads the message. >> *Not allowed* << 

"Again" Cheryl sighs. 

"Again what?" 

"These texts about me being a *not allowed*." 

"Have you told the police yet?" "

Yes, they're trying to work out who it is." 

"Have you also told them about what Ashley's done?" Cheryl nods. 

"They're hearing him out now." 

"I hope they'll lock him up so he can't do it again." 

"So do I, but enough Ashley about now, let's talk about nice things." 

"Like what?" 

"Like little Chezza's room, d'you wanna see it?" 

"Yeah of course." Cheryl grabs her hand and takes Kimberley upstairs. She opens the door. 

"We've only painted it, but we'll continue after Tre's tour." 

"Wow, I love the clouds and the rainbow-coloured butterflies, it's really cute." 

"Thank you, we didn't want to make it too girly." 

"It's really cute Chez." "

Thanks Kimba, shall we watch a film in my cinema?" 

"Good idea" Kimberley says as the go downstairs to Cheryl's mini cinema. 

Cheryl puts a film on and sits down in a red comfy cinema chair next to Kimberley. 

"Oh I almost forget the most important thing, do you want salt or sweet popcorn?" 

"Uhm sweet please." 

"Okay" Cheryl says as she turns her popcorn machine on. 

"What do you want to drink?" 

"Uuhm I don't know, surprise me." 

"Okay, you'll join me drinking juice then." 


The next morning Kimberley wakes feeling like she's going to be sick. 

She tiptoes to the bathroom trying to not wake Cheryl up. 

She shuts the door with her foot and throws up in the toilet. 

When she's done she brushes her teeth and goes back to the bedroom. 

"Where were you?" 

"I only went to the loo." 

"Hmm okay, slept well?" Cheryl pulls the duvet away and sits up. Kimberley sits down next to her. 

"Yes, you?" 

"Not really, little Chezza kept kicking me in my ribs." 

Kimberley places her hands on Cheryl's bump and starts talking. 

"Hey little girl in there, listen good to auntie Kimba. Can you please stop hurting your mummy. She really loves you so you shouldn't hurt her. There will be plenty of time to kick your little legs around when you get out of your mummy, so there's no need to do it when your mummy tries to get some sleep." 

"Aaahw Kimba, you're going to be a great mum one day." 

"I hope so, I can't wait til after the tour so Justin and I can finally start a family." 

"Good luck, and enjoy it, because after four months it's almost impossible." 

"Almost?" Cheryl starts blushing. 

"Well, I mean it is possible, but it's hard to find a good position." 

"Uugh too much details Chez." 

"Sorry, what are we gonna do today?" 

"Hmm let me think" Kimberley says frowning. 

"Are you able to swim?" she asks. 

"Yes, as long as I don't swallow too much water." 

"Shall we go to the pool then?" 

"Yeah sounds nice, shall we ask Nicola too?" 

"That'd be nice, we haven't spent that much time with her lately." 

''Okay, I'm gonna call her.'' 

Cheryl grabs her phone and dials Nicola's number. 


''Hi Nic, it's Cheryl and Kimberley.'' 

''Oh hi.'' Nicola's voice sound very emotional, like she's just been crying. 

''What's wrong Nic, why do you sound so sad?'' '

'Something really bad has happened.'' 

''Remember you can tell me everything, do you want me to come over?'' 

''Yes, both of you please.'' 

''Okay, we'll be there in an hour.'' 

''Thanks, see you.'' 

''Bye.'' Cheryl hangs up the phone and puts it back on the nightstand. 

''Nicola want us to come over, something really bad has happened.'' 

''Oh God, I hope it's not too bad.'' 

''So do I, anyway, you can have a shower if you want and I'll make us breakfast.'' 

''Okay, I'll be quick, I don't want her to wait too long.'' 

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