Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Cheryl wakes up from the sound of her phone. She grabs it and sees Tre's name flashing up. 

She gets out of the bed and presses green. 

"Hi baby." 

"Good morning gorgeous, how are you?" 

"Do you want to know the truth?" 

"Yes, what's wrong baby?" 


"Oh God, are you and little Chezza okay?" 

"Yes kind of." "What's happened?" 

"Well, last night there was loud banging on the door so I went to the guests room to see if Nicola and Kimberley were awake. Kimberley was, so we went downstairs to see who was at the door." 

After she's told the whole story she starts crying uncontrollably, causing Nicola to wake up. 

She sits down next to Cheryl and strokes her back. 

"I'm going to make us some breakfast" she whispers. 

Cheryl -who's still on the phone- stands up and goes to the bathroom so she can phone without getting disturbed. 

"Tre baby I need you, Nicola and Kimba are great, but I can't do this without you. Please Tre, I need you." 

"Ssh baby, it's okay, I'll get the first flight back to you okay? Now try to calm down a bit cause all this stressing isn't good for our little Chezza. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, love you." 

"Love you too gorgeous, bye." 

"Bye" and with that Cheryl ends the phone call. 

She's totally lost in her thoughts as she suddenly hears a soft knock on the door. 

"Come in." Kimberley walks in. 

"Morning Chez, how are you feeling?" 

"A bit better, Tre's coming over." 

"Aahw that's great, when's he coming?" 

"He said he'd take the first possible flight, but don't get me wrong Kimba, I mean you and Nic are great, but I just can't do this without him." 

"Yeah I get it Chez, I would've done the same thing." Cheryl gives her a long hug. 

"Thank you" Cheryl says. 

"What for?" 

"For everything, you've saved my live!" 

"Well, that was the least what I could do for such an amazing friend as you." 

"Aahw thanks Kimba, shall we go downstairs? I think Nicola's almost finished the breakfast." Kimberley nods and they head downstairs. 


After lunch Cheryl goes to have a nap as she's absolutely knackered. 

"Can you wake me up in two hours?" 

"Of course, Nic and I will watch a film or whatever while you're asleep." 

"Okay, bye." 

"Sleep well Chezzie" Nicola says. Cheryl waves at them and heads upstairs. 

"Okay Nic, what do you want to do?" 

"Uuhm I thought we maybe could go into Cheryl's indoor pool?" 

"Sounds good, let's get our bikini's on." When they've put their bikini's on Kimberley gets a phone call. 


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