Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cheryl hasn’t been herself the past 3 weeks and is not feeling well. 

Rehearsals aren't going very good because of her illness."

"Chez what's wrong, you look so pale?" 

"I'm okay, Kimba, my stomach just hurts a bit."

"Maybe you ate something wrong."

"Might be, I don't know."

They put their coffee down and continue dancing.

Cheryl feels like she's going to throw up, so she walks to the bathroom. 

Kimberley is concerned and follows Cheryl. "Chez, are you sure you're okay?" 

"Yes Kimba, I'm just a bit ill, nothing you should worry about."

"Well, okay then." She's still worried, because she's never seen Cheryl ill like this, but decides to go back to the rehearsals. 

When Cheryl's still not back after 10 minutes Nicola asks Kimberley what's wrong with her. 

"She says she's just a bit ill, I think she ate something wrong." "Oh, I'll go and take a look at her. 

Nicola walks to the bathroom and sees Cheryl crying. She strokes her back to calm her down. 

"Chez, what's wrong babe, why are you crying." "My stomach hurts so much Nic, I'm going home, I can't dance anymore." 

"Do you think you can drive home on your own or do you want me to bring you?" 

"I can drive home I think, shall I text you when I'm there?" "That's okay, get well soon Chez."

"Thanks babe, can you tell the other girls I went home?" 

"Of course, now go home 'cause I don't like seeing you when you're in pain." 

About 20 minutes later Nicola gets a text. >> I'm home Nic. C Xx << 

Nicola replies >> I'm glad you came home safe, now get some sleep. N Xx <<

After a couple hours the girls finished rehearsals. Kimberley and Nicola decide to go to Cheryl and see if she's okay. 

Tre is in LA for his mother's birthday so they want to take care after Cheryl. Kimberley presses the doorbell and Cheryl opens the door. 

"Oh my God Cheryl, you look like a wreck." Kimberley says. "Thanks Kim." Cheryl smiles sarcastically and lets them in. 

"There's a bit of hot water in the kettle, you can make tea if you want." 

Nicola walks to the kitchen to get them some tea as she sees Cheryl's phone on the kitchen table lighten up. 

It's a text from Tre. >> I hope you feel better soon. I don't want to scare you, but maybe you should do a pregnancy test after what we did in the hotel. Love, Tre <<

Nicola is quite shocked about that, and decides to forget it.

When she and Kimberley are back in the car she tells about the text. 

"Are you serious Nicola, what if she is pregnant, how on earth will she do all these dancing routines when she's pregnant?!" 

"Kimba, calm down, maybe she isn't pregnant and then you're stressing for nothing."

"You're right, we'll just wait until she tells us what's going on." 

Nicola continues driving and stops when she sees Kimberley's house. 

She can see on her face that she's still worried about Cheryl. 

"Kimba, relax babe, she'll be okay, but do not tell anyone about what I told you."

"Of course I won't, see you tomorrow."

"Bye." Kimberley shuts the door and walks to her house. Nicola can't keep her eyes of her amazing bum. 

She starts the engine and drives home. When she arrives, she opens the door, goes upstairs and makes herself a warm bath. 

She puts some music on and enjoys the heat of the water. She startles when her phone beeps. It's a text from Nadine. 

>> Hi Nic, what's wrong with Cheryl? I'm worried about her. Nads Xxx <<Oh God, she thinks, what am I going to tell her?? 

I don't want to tell her about the text message, what if she's going to hear Cheryl out?? She replies >> Hi Nads, I don't know, she says she's just ill, nothing serious. Xx <<

She looks at the clock. It's 6:30 pm, she's been in bath for an hour. She gets out, makes herself some dinner, watches tv and goes to bed. 

She wakes up as she hears the sound of her phone. It's Cheryl. 

"Hi Chez, how are you?" "Not much better, thanks for asking." "What are you calling for?" 

"I wanted to thank you and Kimberley for coming to me, I really appreciate it." 

"Aahw Chez, that's sweet, I can come to you whenever you want me to." "I know babe, I just wanted to remind you that I love you." 

Nicola can hear the emotions in her voice. "Love you too, now get some sleep."I will, goodnight babe." "Goodnight." 

She hangs up the phone and thinks about what Cheryl said. It was so sweet. She looks at the time on her phone. 

It says 10:45 pm. Nicola is wide awake, turns the tv on and watches something about celebrities. Her heart skips a beat when she hears a woman voice talking about Girls Aloud. She says that Cheryl's kicked out of Girls Aloud and shows a picture of a crying Cheryl leaving the rehearsals today. She doesn't want to hear more sh!t about her friend so she turns her tv off and falls asleep. 

When Nicola and Kimberley arrive at rehearsals the next day. They notice that Cheryl isn't there, but they just start rehearsing without her. She'll learn the dancing routines when she's feeling better.

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