Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

About one month later

Cheryl and Tre are holding hands as they walk into the doctors room. 

"Good morning." "Good morning Cheryl and Tre, how are you doing?" 

"Great" Cheryl says and lies down on the examination table. 

"Are you feeling better already? The last time you didn't feel very well right?" 

"I feel much better now." 

"That's good, can you lift up your top a bit?" 

"Of course" Cheryl says as she exposes her five month bump. The doctor checks the baby. 

"Your baby is totally healthy. Do you want to know the sex?" 

"Yes please." 

"What do you think it is?" 

"I think it's a girl, but Tre thinks it's a boy." 

"In that case I can tell you that you're right Cheryl, it's a girl." 

"Oh yes, I knew it!" 

"We're having a little Cheryl" Tre says when they're back in the car. 

"Chezza's always right babe." 

"Shall we call her little Chezza until she's born?" 

"That's okay, it starts to feel even more real now, we've got to think about names." 

"Hmm what do you think about uuuuhm Layla, I think it's a very nice name?" 

"Are you serious? That was one of the four names I picked for little Chezza!" 

"Really? What are the other three?" 

"Louisa, Sophie and Josie." 

"I like all of them, how many names shall we give her?" 

"Two, one is so boring." 

"What do you want as middle name?" 

"Will Layla be her first name then?" 

"We both came up with that so I think so." "

Great, I really like Layla, what do you think of someone else picking her middle name? Of course we've got to agree with it, but I think it's a nice concept to let a loved one pick her middle name." 

"That's really sweet, who do you have in mind?" 

"I don't know, who would you like?" 

"I want you to decide that, because she'll already get my surname right?" 

"Yes, so will I, but I don't know who to choose." 

"I'd say the girls." 

"But I was also thinking about my mam." 

"Our mothers can pick the second and third name for our next baby." 

"Aahw that's sweet" I say as I place a kiss on his cheek. 

"By the way, we're not telling anyone the name until she's born okay?" 

"Yes ma'am." 

"You haven't called me gorgeous for a while, ain't I gorgeous anymore?" Cheryl asks with puppy eyes. 

"No, you're still gorgeous, you're one of those women who get even prettier when they're pregnant." 

"Aahw really?" 

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