Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The dark silhouette comes closer to Cheryl. 

Cheryl doesn't have a good feeling about it and closes the door, but the person is faster and places it's foot between the door. 

The person opens the door and is now standing in the hallway. 

Cheryl notices the knife in his hand and starts screaming. 

The person holds its hand on her mouth and tapes it so she can't scream anymore. 

Cheryl finally sees who it is, it's Ashley. 

He grabs Cheryl's arms and pins them above her head against the wall. 

The holds up the knife and presses it against her throat.

"Fcuking hell Ashley, what are you doing?!" 

"I'll kill you if you don't come back to me!" 

"Ashley please! Don't do this to me!" 

''Then tell me you’re coming back to me!'' 

''NO Ashley, I am NOT coming back to you, never!'' Cheryl shouts kicking Ashley in his crotch. 

''You did not just kick me in my crotch did you?'' 

''Yes I did and I enjoyed it because you deserve it, you fcuking *not allowed*!''

Just when Ashley is about to cut in Cheryl's throat, Kimberley hits his head with a vase, causing him to fall on the ground. 

Kimberley kicks him several times until he’s unconscious. 

They hear police sirens coming in their direction. 

Cheryl collapses onto the ground heavily breathing. 

Kimberley sits down next to her and wraps her arms around Cheryl, who’s now crying hysterically. 

''Oh my God Kimba, I was almost dead!'' 

''Shh Chez, it’s okay now, the police are on their way.'' 

''Did you call them?" 


"Thank you so much Kimba" Cheryl kisses her on her cheek. 

They hear a loud knock on the door, causing them to startle. 

"Can you open it please, I've got a door-opening trauma now." 

Kimberley stands up and opens the door. 

"Hi, I'm officer Johnson, you might recognise me from when Miss Walsh had a car crash." 

"Yes, but please take him away before he wakes up and kills me" Cheryl says pointing at Ashley. 

"Mr Cole is unconscious?" 

"No he's taking a fcuking nap!" Cheryl shouts. 

"Calm down Miss Cole." 

"Don't call me Cole and don't fcuking tell me to calm down!" 

"No I mean, we can't arrest him when he's unconscious so we need to call an ambulance, he might have some serious injuries." 

"So what, he doesn't deserve to live, he almost killed me for fcuks sake!" 

"Miss Walsh, can you please try to calm Miss Tweedy down?" 

"Of course, come with me Chez" Kimberley takes Cheryl's hand an leads her into the living room. 

By now Nicola is awake too and walks downstairs towards the living room. 

"What the hell is going on?!" 

"Oh hi Nic, I guess it's better if we tell you tomorrow, Chez is still a bit in shock." 

"No Kimba, it’s fine, I’ve also got to tell the police now what happened, so I can tell everyone at one time.''

''Okay, shall I'' Kimberley gets interrupted by officer Johnson walking in. 

''We’d like to ask you all some questions if that’s okay?''

''Yeah of course, what do you want to know?'' Cheryl asks. 

''What exactly happened?''

''Well, at first I woke up because I heard strange noises coming from downstairs so I tried to think what it could have been, but then I heard it again. 

It obviously was someone banging on the door. 

I checked if Kimberley or Nicola were awake, and Kimberley was so we went downstairs to look who was standing at the door. 

Kimberley stood behind the door as some kind of backup if something would go wrong and I opened the door slightly. 

At first I didn’t see who it was, all I could see was a dark silhouette. 

Then I saw it was Ashley. 

I wanted to close the door, but he put his foot between the door and opened it again. 

Then he grabbed my throat and pushed me against the wall. I started screaming so he taped my mouth. 

He held up a knife and said he’d kill me if I wouldn’t come back to him. 

I said I will never come back to him and when he almost killed me, Kimberley slammed a vase against his head, causing him to fall onto the ground. 

She kicked him several times and then he got unconscious.''

Nicola’s mouth falls wide open. 

Cheryl starts crying again and Kimberley strokes her back to comfort her. 

''Okay, do you have something to add Miss Walsh?''

''’No, Cheryl’s told everything.''

''Okay then, thank you for the clear explanation and we’ll talk again later, but for now I think it’s best for all of you to get some sleep after what’s just happened.''

''Okay, thank you'' Kimberley says and she lets him out, leaving a shocked Nicola and a heavily sobbing Cheryl alone. 

''Did that really just happen? How come I didn’t hear anything? He’d almost killed you Chez!''

''I know, I’ve never thought he’d do this to me. I was almost dead Nic, fcuking DEAD!'' Cheryl starts hyperventilating because of all the crying. 

Nicola stands up and get Cheryl a glass of water. 

''Shh Chez, it’ll be okay, everything’s going to be fine. They’ll put Ashley in jail and then you can just be happy again.''

''I want my Tre, i can’t handle this without him Nicola, I need my Tre!'' 

''You’ll see him soon Chez, but you know he can’t come right now so Kimberley and I will help you through this okay?''

''Okay'' Cheryl gives Nicola a big hug and they go back to sleep. 

This time the three of them are all in cheryl's bed so she isn't alone for the night.

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