Trezza- Gorgeous Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Cheryl's pov

I can't believe it's the last tour date tonight, the time has flown by! 

It's been harder than I thought it'd be. I was tired as hell after every show. 

Luckily we had enough time to rest and Kimberley had to rest too, so I wasn't alone. 

My bump has grown a lot, there's only three months left. 

It's April the 10th now and my due date is July the 14th! 

Yesterday was so awkward, even though I couldn't help that little Chezza was laying on my bladder. 

I can't wait to meet my little girl. I already love her with whole my heart. 

It's only quite sad that Tre hasn't been here most of the time, but I didn't want him to stay here instead of going on tour with Jennifer Lopez. Dancing is his life and dancing for her is such an achievement for him. 

Oh I almost forgot we'd Skype today at 4 pm so it's 8 am for Tre. 

It's quite early for him, but he didn't want me to stay up late. He's so caring, I'm sure he'll be a great dad. 

I can't wait until he's back, I've missed him like hell! When he's back we'll make sure everything is ready for our little girl. 

Suddenly I hear my phone beeping, it's a text from Tre.

>> Hi gorgeous, I know we have planned our Skype chat in an hour, but I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore, so how about we do our Skype chat an hour earlier which means now?? Xxx <<

I reply >> Hiyaaa babe, that's a very good idea, I'll come online once I find my IPad okay? Xxx <<

I get off the bed and look in my suitcase for my IPad. Once I've found it I open Skype and call Tre. My face lightens up as soon as I see Tre's face and hear his voice. 

"Hi gorgeous, how are you?"

"I'm great, just a bit upset it's our last show tonight."

"Aahw don't be upset baby, how has the tour been?"

"It was amazing, but yesterday something really awkward happened."

"Is it more awkward than when you had your head between the door of a train?"

"Oh yes, waaaaay more."

"Tell me then."

"Well, we were singing I'll Stand By You which is our last song, and little Chezza thought it'd be nice to lay on my bladder, and then I couldn't hold it any longer, so I actually peed myself on stage" I say going red. 

Tre starts laughing.

"Did you really pee yourself in stage?!"

"Yeah but it wasn't my fault, blame your daughter!" 

"Oh my God Chez, so you're on the front page of ever paper today?"

"No, luckily my gown was too long, but otherwise I would."

"That would have been so awkward, by the way, I wanna ask you something."

"Ooooh what is it?"

"Well when you're coming to LA you're coming to the last show of the tour so I thought it might be nice if we stay there in a nice beach house for two weeks and just relax a bit before our little girl comes." 

"That's a really good idea, we have never been on a holiday together before, that's such a shame!" 

"I'll book us a nice holiday okay?"

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