Chapter 2: always and forever

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 4x20 of vampire diaries and 1x01of the originals, although I've changed somethings and added scenes so let me of it needs to more by the episode or more my own. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 2: always and forever

After her short visit in Mystic Falls to warn her best friend and meeting a certain charming original, Peyton found herself in New Orleans two weeks later as she kept trying every thing she could think of to find something out about the werewolves that Klaus had told her after they slept together after seeing her crescent moon shaped birthmark. Recently she had been coming to the same bar that was in the French quarter due to both of where it was and the gumbo that it sold since it seemed to be only thing she could keep down recently, while she eat she liked to take a look at the everything she had learned so far as well as trying to come with new ideas to get information. Peyton wore a sleeveless patterned blouse on top of a lilac lace bralet, a pair of jeans and a pair of dark lilac ankle boots as well as the dark lilac biker jacket and brown bag resting on the bar stool next to her. She had created a fish tail braid while letting some of her curls frame her face, she had dark smoky eye make up on and natural looking peach coloured lipgloss.

" this is your third time in here this week, seven in total over the last two weeks" the bartender Jane Anne said as she began to prepare the bar for the night time customers who drank more

" what can I say? I came here for the bourbon and stayed for the gumbo" Peyton said realising that she hadn't actually been drinking any bourbon lately due to the smell making her sick

" the old ladies in the ninth ward say my sister, Sophie, bleeds a bit of soul info every dish" Jane Anne says as she continued cleaning glasses as Peyton continued to eat her food

" that must be what makes it so good...remember how I said I was looking for my family who may have lived around here?" She said hoping that Jane Anne could help her find them faster

" yeah you said some guy gave a tip and then blushed" she said thinking that Peyton must have some feelings for this guy to produce that kind of reaction from her as she began to blush again

" Anyway I asked around the quarter about my family and these...people in general" she said not wanting to say the word werewolves in front of Jane Anne since you didn't normal go looking for them

" and what did you find?" She said leaning the bar from her side as her interest began to peak in the conversation since she wanted to know everything that Peyton knew so far from her time here

" nothing,I can't find a single person who remembers them. In fact one guy told me to forget about them and not to mention it" she said still finding it weird that he would react that way to her questions

" Peyton, thats because people like you were run out of here hears ago" she said seeing this as her opening to enact the plan her and her sister had come with during Peyton's visit to the bar

" wait, what do you mean people like me?" She asked noticing her choice of words as she narrowed her eyes and placed a hand on her things in case she needed to make a quick get away

" you know what I mean. In the bayou they are called the werewolves of Roux-Ga-Roux, you head there you'll find what you're looking for" she said circling a place on a map in red pen

" thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me" Peyton said as she out on her biker jacket and grabbed her bag as well as the map of the place where her family might be

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