Chapter 42: save my soul

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x16 of the originals, I've kind of split this chapter into two so the first half of the story deals with the whole Freya brunch thing before moving into the bayou for some training in the second half in order to add more of the important parts of plots to the story as well as to set something up for other chapters. As a result of this I've obviously had to change the order of things making it different from the show as well as adding some other scenes to extend the chapter more just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it.Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 42: save my soul

A few days later Peyton woke in bed alone as she used her vampire hearing to discover that Klaus had taken of the twins while allowing her to sleep in since he knew that she could use with a little extra sleep due to getting up in the middle of the night to deal with the teething twins so she decided to take a shower before getting ready for the day which promised to be eventful as she knew there had to be another reason why he had gotten up so early which was usually for some kind of plotting. Peyton decided to wear a loose fitting white tshirt with blue and gold detailing on the shoulders, high waisted jeans and a pair of blue flats that wrapped around her ankle. She decided to allow her hair to dry in naturally so that it was extra wavy as she placed a simple front braid in it, she created soft smoky eye makeup with eyeliner that outlined her eyes and soft pink lip gloss. Peyton headed to the kitchen in the compound where she found the twins sitting in their high chairs as Klaus attempted to feed them more solid foods as he looked up smiling seeing her

" hey my little cuties and my big cutie, thank you for letting me sleep in... you want to come and see mommy while daddy finishes feeding Wyatt?" She said to Ava who was finished eating

" our son is quite the hungry little boy this morning" Klaus said smiling as he realised how much he loved watching Peyton with their children as she said good morning to their daughter who giggled

" well he is a growing boy after all... I would say he gets that from you but you know that I like my food" she said bouncing Ava gently up and down as she poured herself some coffee from the pot

" true but from what I can remember of my childhood I was constantly eating, although the food was never this interesting" he said looking down at the puréed apple baby food Wyatt was eating

" I can other than being a fantastic daddy to our twins, what have you been up to?" She said suspecting that he had been up to his usual tricks plotting against someone

" I made breakfast for my lovely wife and check in with Marcel on the Rebekah front... oh I also invited my long lost sister to join us for breakfast in an hour" he said with a pleasant fake smile

" ahh there it is and am I meant to believe that you invited her here just because you're curious about your sister?" She said giving him a suspicion look as she carefully balanced Ava on her hip

" I merely acting causation about her sudden return while trying to learn more about her and Dahlia" he said thinking that they needed to know as much as they could as he cleaned Wyatt up

" with no underhanded motives? Am I expected to make an appearance to this family breakfast?" She said thinking about the different ways that this breakfast meeting could go badly fast

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