Chapter 13: apres moi, le deluge

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x11of the originals which I have tried to include as of it as possible since a lot of important and key things happened while trying to make it still my own as well as including a nice little hint at then end for the next chapter although I've changed somethings and added scenes to make it fit with Peyton as well as tried to take on any reviews or suggestions made you so let me know what you think of it.. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 13: Après Moi, Le Déluge

Peyton woke up the next morning laying next to Davina who's face was still slightly red and puffy from crying throughout the night as she gently woke her up in order to beg her ready for the day since she knew that she would likely want to do nothing but wallow in her grief which wasn't good for her. Once she was sure that Davina would be okay on her own for a while Peyton headed back to the bedroom she had been sharing with Klaus so that she could take a shower and get dressed before having something to eat, she silently slipped into the room glad to see that Klaus had followed his usual routine of getting up early since it meant that the room was empty. As she entered the room she noticed a note from Klaus which was placed on top of some maternity clothes as she remembered their conversation from the day before, Peyton decided to wear a white maternity tank top, a loose fitting coral and gray heart-print sheer blouse, a pair of ripped jeans and brown combat boots. She noticed in the mirror how big and defined her almost five month pregnancy belly looked in maternity clothes as she brushed out her waves deciding to leave down in a relaxed fashion, she also wore smokey eye makeup mostly on the top eyelid and pink shiny lip gloss. Once she was dressed she noticed Elijah siting in the living staring at the drawings of Celeste as she walked in deciding to check up on him

" hey... So should I be concerned that you're still staring at your ex lover's picture?" She said with a smile as she sat on the chair across from him as she showed him that she was worried

" no of course not but I do have a little history lesson if you are interested" he said to thinking about how sweet and kind she was, maybe too much so to be in love with a man like Klaus

" from you? Always" she said knowing that he needed to say whatever was clearly on his mind as much as she needed to hear it as she made herself comfortable on the couch as he stood

" the Italians call them strega, the Yoruba of West Africa call them aje meaning mother and where my mother was from, they called them häxa" he said looking down to the book he had

" you're talking about the witches....I speak flute Italian" she said remembering how Stefan had spent day after day trying to teach the language since he was descended from Italians

" yeah and over the centuries vampires have fought them and fought beside them, bedded them and burned them" he said thinking about Celeste and the times they had together

" I was more the type to burn them and Elijah was more the type to bed them, I prefer werewolves as it happens" Klaus said as he walked into the room and entering the conversation

" the point is whether adversary or ally, they have been a force to be reckoned with" Elijah said noticing the tension between Peyton and Klaus that had to be the result of the day before

" I'll say, since coming to this town I've been used and abused by the witches" she said slightly bitter about everything that they had done to her since they had arrived in the city

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