Chapter 18: le grand guignol

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x15 of the originals which I have done a little differently in order to try and include as much of the episode as possible since a lot happens and it's important in relation to the next meaning that I've mixed up the order a little and have replaced people I've also added scenes and lines just to make it flow better so let me know what you think of it and hopefully you love what I've done!!. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 18: le Grand Guignol

Eve soon arrived outside of the sanitarium in her car as Peyton then placed Celeste in the boot of the car as she explained everything that had happened throughout the day including that she had learned that Brynne Deveraux had actually been Celeste back then and therefore could break the curse on her pack as they drove to the bayou where they placed Celeste leaning against a tree while they tied her up. Jackson in the wolf joined them along with the other werewolves as he phone began to ring as she noticed that it was Elijah calling her as she decided to decline the call since she knew he would only tell her to come back and deal with whatever was going on that he had stabbed Klaus again as well as talk her out of doing this

" So what's this...payback? Look I'm sorry I tricked you, I wasn't after you" Celeste said once she came around as she realised what was going on after seeing Eve with a gun and Peyton full of rage

"What and we were just collateral damage? You almost burned her and Jackson alive in that plantation fire" Eve said outraged since she knew that Peyton and Jackson could have died

"Careful Celeste or whatever you like to call yourself, sudden moves make me jumpy...and homicidal" Peyton said after stomping her foot and giving Celeste a deadly look

" What? you're gonna kill me, honey?" Celeste said looking Peyton up and down as if to judge whether or not she was capable of killing her in revenge, although she doubted her instincts

" not yet, see I know better and I know all about you like the fact you like to off yourself and then jump into other people's bodies" she said remembering everything she had learned lately

" ahh I see you saw the riddle that I left for Elijah" Celeste said tilting her head to the side as she thought about all the names of people she had processed over the years since her death

" unfortunately for you than isn't going to happen but try anything witchy and Eve here will kneecap you and if you go for her then I'll rip your pretty little head off" she said sickly sweet

"So what do you want?" She said since it was clear that Peyton was keeping end alive for some reasons which meant that she was wanting something from her but didn't know what

" Back in the 90's, you possessed a witch named Brynne Deveraux remember?" She said getting to the part that she had gotten Elijah to find out more for her since she couldn't ask

" maybe I was, why do you care?" She said still trying to work out the girl who was mysterious intertwined with the originals and was carrying Klaus's babies as she looked at Peyton

" Marcel had her meaning you put a curse on a lot of werewolves so they'd only turn human on a full moon" she said looking at the wolves that surrounded her like Hayley and Jackson

"I see, yes that was me and let me want revenge" she said as matter of fact since she knew that everyone eventually wanted revenge on people wronged them like she was

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