Chapter 9: bloodletting (Peyton)

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hey guys so here is part two of the last chapter with the scenes that weren't included as well as some added extras for you, this is still based on episode 1x07 of the originals. I decided to change kind of big detail in they story which is at the end of the chapter but there's a reason for that so I hope you like so let me know what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 9: bloodletting (Peyton)

Peyton was still trying to think about everything that had happened with in the last hour or so that somehow ended up with her being trapped in the trunk of a some unknown truck as she thought about whether or not the face of the person who took was familiar to her in any way but came up blank as she turned her mind to try and think of a way out of this bad situation she found herself in this time. Peyton decided to use that fact that her legs were still free to her advantage as she began to use as much force as she pack behind each kick as she kicked the trunk window in the hopes that it would eventually break to allow her to escape. The truck began to derail slightly as it swerved until eventually the car stopped as the person driving the truck came out and ripped the broken glass from the window  before opening the trunk so that they could see Peyton and talk to her

"Seriously?" The teenage boy said clearly anger as Peyton tried to think if she had ever seen him before but since came up black as she tried to think of a way to figuring out the who of this

" clearly you don't know me if you thought I was going to let you kidnap me!" Peyton said showing that she had her own temper to content with as she further into the trunk to protect her babies

" and you don't know me but you do know you can't fight a hybrid and you really don't want to try Peyton" he said to her as he went to grab her legs so that he could tie them together to stop her kicking

" you're a hybrid? Wait Tyler stop! Let go of me! You backstabbing cowardly piece of shi-" she said realising who he was as she began to kick and hit him in an attempt to fight back

" shut up!... Now that's better" Tyler said slamming her head against the side of trunk with enough force to knock her out as he lifted her out of the trunk and onto his shoulder as he carried her away

When Peyton woke up she noticed that it was now daylight making her wonder how she had been out for since she could remember Tyler knocking her out which was why her head hurt, she began to gently push herself up as she realised that she was laying on a wooden porch outside of a small house or hut making her also wonder she was although she recognised some of her surrounds enough to know she was somewhere in the bayou. She tried to undo the binds on her arms and legs until she realised that Tyler was about to turn around see what she was doing

" ah so sleeping beauty is finally awake huh?" Tyler said moving away from the fire he had made the night before while waiting for her to wake up as he refocused his attention on her

" what is this place?" She said trying to get information out of him as she realised that she and left her phone back in the plantation as she hoped that someone was looking for her at least

" the armpit of Louisiana" he told her as she noticed that he had a knife in his hand as she suddenly began to back away from him in fear of what he was about to do with that knife

" what are you going to do with that?" She asked knowing that it was better to just ask what was going to happen to her as she began to fear for her children's lives again as it was threatened again

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