Chapter 70: the bloody crown

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hey guys so here is the final chapter for you in season 3 which is based on 3x22 of the originals. which I've mainly focused on the Klaus/ Mikaelson/ Hayley plot line whole mission out the scenes involving the trials as I tried to include as much as I could while still keeping with my type of writing style. I've also added in one big surprise I hope that was requested by a reader so I hope you like it. Also as normal I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as added I my own scenes to make fit in better. Also I'm sorry if this chapter is shorter than normal but this simply because what I've included and what was in the episode so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 70: the bloody crown

Klaus has asked Peyton to allow him to lose himself in her rather than losing himself in his grief and other emotions which would have been likely if he didn't have Peyton there when he needed her the most like now, this was they found them curled up together in bed with Peyton still sound asleep in Klaus's arms with him looking down at her sleeping form while playing with her mass of curly hair as he thought about how the prophecy seemed to be getting closer and closer to coming true which he knew meant that his days with her and their children were numbered as he tried to think of them not being in his life anymore. Soon he felt Peyton begin to sir as she turned to open her eyes to see Klaus's blue eyes staring back at her as she realised that he had been awake for a while and had been obviously been thinking deeply about something while watching her

" correct me if I'm wrong but we have talked about you watching me sleep right?" Peyton said shifting slightly as she moved closer to him while adjusting the covers they covered her more

" maybe but it's just so tempting, I tend to like to surround myself with beauty things and o guess you're on top of that list" he said wondering how it could get any better than her and here

" oh I see how it is... I'm just a pretty little thing to you like some object" She said full of humour and mockery as she gave him a smile that made his heart feel warm and fizzy

" not at all my love, you are so much more than that to me..." he said being honest as he gently took her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm before placing it near his cheek to rest

" I know... hey I need you to hear this, I know that a lots happened lately but you're not alone... not even for a minute got it?" She said getting closer to home as she tried to make him see her

" how can anyone ever be alone with they have you by their side?" He said before leaning down slightly to her as they began to kiss as he tried to savour every moment he got with her

" as much as I would to keep this up and spend all day in bed with you, we have to very demanding but cute babies that need taken care of" she said knowing  the twins would be awake soon

" why don't you let me tend to them while you get ready for the day?" He said wanting to spend with Ava and Wyatt alone in case anything else happened as he thought of Marcel as she silently agreed to this

Peyton did as she was told by allowing him to take of the twins that morning as he headed to the nursery to get them in order to feed them and dress them for the day while she went for a long shower as she thought about how he was grieving the loss of a son and was trying to find solace in his other children as she tired to think of a way to help him other than being there for him. She then got dressed in something comfortable for the day as she wore a dark dull bird print tshirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of dull lilac pair of ankle boots and a dark grey suede jacket. She decided to put her hair up in a high messy ponytail to keep it out of her way, she also wore light smoked brown eye makeup and light pink lips. Once she was was dressed she decided to head to the ballroom where her and Klaus had gotten married as she could voices as she looked over the balcony before heading down the stairs as she saw Klaus holding Ava and Wyatt as he talked to them

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