Chapter 89: what, will, I, have, left

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hey guys so here is a new chapter based on 5x06 so here you go. So this chapter has a lot of changes to it but I have tried to keep as much as the story into it as possible somthat the rest of the chapter that will follow this will make sense but I am sorry if things don't add but the alternatives were way worse than this so.... there are a few twists in this chapter too. There are some changes like I've switched klaus for Hayley in terms of his story line to fit in with my story and added in Aiden  who isn't dead like in the the originals and have changed the actress playing hope since her and my younger characters are two different characters. So in my headed I've casted Natalie Alyn Lind as Ava, Cody Christian as Wyatt and Kylie Rogers as Cassie. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better but I'm still trying to find the balance in this season and getting back into it so bear with me. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up

Chapter 89: what, will,I, have, left

Peyton woke up feeling weak and groggy again as she began to realise that someone had injected with a mixture of vervain and normal wolfsbane in order to make her weaker again as well as had tied her hands to together with the ropes drenched in the same mixture as she felt the burning around her wrists as she tried too break out of the rope but found that the pain was just too much for her to take. She began to look around as she realised that she must have been held in an abandoned house from the old and wrecked way that the place looked as she wondered who could have taken her from the school since she knew that it was supposed to be a safe place as soon realised that she wasn't as alone as she first thought as she looked away to find a very weak and tortured looking Stefan tied to a chair next to her as she tried not to panic as she realised what this meant for her as she tried not to panic too much about the outcome of this might be

" Peyton? Oh god, Pey! I was really hoping that you weren't going to come back here" Stefan said sounding tired and in pain as she wondered what they had done to him since kidnapping him

" I'm not really sure where here is right now, although I can guess... Stefan, what happened to you? I mean what did they do to you?" Peyton said wishing that she could break free and go over to him

" similar to what they did to you but more vervain and more sunlight, then again their thing with me is more personal-" Stefan said thinking about what he did to Greta to make her hate him so much

" as opposed to their thing with me which is just pure hate and prejudice because I'm a werewolf or rather a hybrid" Peyton said that Greta believed that her kind were polluting the vampires purity

" why are you back here?" Stefan said knowing that he had been hoping that she would return to klaus before grabbing her children and get out of New Orleans as fast as they could before this touched them

" I don't know, the last thing I remember was that I was at the school after dealing with the twins and getting help from Valerie then I felt something sharp in my neck" Peyton said wondering who did this

" wait, Valerie? Why were you getting help Valerie?" Stefan said knowing that finally having someone to talk to and to distract him from the constant pain he was in from the torture as he had missed her

" Greta and her little minions had poisoned me with a rare form of wolfsbane which was killing me so I asked Valerie to siphone the magic from it" Peyton said thinking about how she had suddenly left

" you don't remember what happened do you?" Stefan said as he realised that she wasn't nearly as scared as she was before they had taken her unconscious body away from him to leave for klaus

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