hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x02 of the originals, although I've changed somethings and added scenes as well as tried to take on any reviews or suggestions made you so let me of it needs to more by the episode or more my own. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.
http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)
Chapter 3: the house of the rising son
It had been a few days since Klaus had found out that Peyton was carrying his child and he staked Elijah before giving him to Marcel as a peace offering, during that time he had tried to take advantage of being alone with the mother of his child to get to know her as well as get closer to her without worrying about anyone else doing the same. It was due to the reason getting to know her and wanting to keep her and the baby safe that he told her to stay in the house while he tried to take down Marcel as he knew that it wasn't safe for werewolves in the French Quarter. Which meant that while he was out dealing with Marcel related businesses she was stuck in the house alone waiting for him to come home. Peyton was wearing a light blue high necked cami peplum top, a pair of flared jeans, a white cardigan and light blue flats as she waited for him one night. She had decided to create a single long braid at the side of her head the length of her hair while leaning the rest natural wavy and down, she wore dark smokey eye makeup consisting mostly of eyeliner to bring out her light brown eyes and dark pink lips. She was reading one of her favourites in the living room when Klaus came in.
" ahh little red...you're still awake, I was hoping you would be" Klaus said as he entered the house and peered around the corner to see her wearing glasses as she read her book on the couch
" I was waiting for you, ok not true I was about to go bed but you're early. Everything ok Marcel wise?" She asked wondering if him being early was his choice or Marcel's as it affected the plan
" everything is fine, I just grew tired of him parading what should be mine in the home where we should be" he said sitting next to her on the couch as she turned to face him as she titled her head
" and we will be when you take it all back" she said with a smile as she showed the faith she had in him as he began to run his hand that was leaning on the couch through her waves
" this town will know and fear the name Mikaelson again" he said absently as he thought about the M that was being displayed around town and used by Marcel that used to represent his family
" speaking of Mikaelsons, have you talked to Elijah since we moved in here?" She asked still getting the feeling that he knew more about where Elijah was than he was telling her
" No, maybe he went back to Mystic Falls to see our little sister" he said trying to shrug it off as she grabbed her phone to check to see if either of the two awol men in her life had gotten back to her
" maybe he can check on Stefan while he's there...he hasn't answered any of my calls or texts lately and I'm worried" she said getting a bad feeling that something had happened to him
" well he was fine when I went to back for their graduation, I'm sure it's nothing" he said wishing that he could take away all pain and worry in her eyes as he realised he was causing some of it
" you're probably right but still all I keep thinking about is this immoral dude he told me and think..." She said putting her head down slightly as Klaus gave her shoulder to cry on as he comforted her
" shhh calm down little red, if something has happened to Stefan then we'll help him" he said stroking her hair as he knew he shouldn't make her promises with everything going on in New Orleans

The Big bad Wolf
FanfictionOk basically Klaus got someone else (not Hayley) pregnant with his baby, so this follows my original character Peyton Matthews who is a werewolf who has been in and out of foste families her whole life making her desparete to find her family but is...