hey guys so here is a new chapter based on 5x11 so here you go. So I know I've taken ages with this chapter and not sure why other than I just didn't like writing it at all like compared to the other one I just found it meh so hopefully the next one will be better. I've also put my own little spin on things and have added a little twist of my own side it was a popular demand from a lot of readers. Also I've have changed the actress playing hope since her and my younger characters are two different characters. So in my headed I've casted Natalie Alyn Lind as Ava, Cody Christian as Wyatt and Kylie Rogers as Cassie. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better but I'm still trying to find the balance in this season and getting back into it so bear with me. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up
Chapter 94: till the day I die
It seemed like after everything was forever changing in the Mikaelson family as the twins had now triggered their werewolf sides due to accidentally killing the church clerk in the attic while they were getting rid of the darkness inside of them by letting go of everything they were feeling as Klaus wished more than anything that he could take away all of their pain as he watched Peyton sleep in a restless and fitful way as he had hoped that their night time activities from the night before would have helped relax her in a peaceful night's sleep but even that didn't work. Peyton currently wore a light pink lace bra that matched her loose sleep joggers, he loved watching her sleep like this especially when her long dark wavy locks had fallen onto her face as he gently leaned over slightly from his half sitting position where he was propped up on one elbow to gently swept the hair out of her eyes as he marvelled at how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to have her in his life loving him so deeply as she did. Just then she began to stir a little as she woke up to see his baby blues staring down on her as she slowly remembered everything that her and her family were facing right now as she enjoyed those few moments before she was fully awake where she was able to forget everything and just be in absolute bliss with him by her side
" hey you.... have you been awake long?" Peyton said as she snuggled closer to his side as she knew that watching her sleep bought him some peace when he couldn't sleep or had a nightmare
" just a few hours, I wanted to check in on the twins and Cassie then I just couldn't sleep.... not that I'm complaining when I have such a beauty sleeping next to me" Klaus said as he began to run his fingers down her spine
" were they okay?" Peyton said lifting her head slightly as she began to worry about how the twins were coping with the fact that they had not only killed a man but also had triggered their werewolf side
" fast asleep which is good because they need the rest and of course little Cassie was sprawled out on her bed holding her bunny" klaus said trying to end in a positive and funny note as he thought of Cassie
" I still can't believe that they triggered their werewolf side, I was really hoping that they would a little older when they did or didn't trigger it at all" Peyton said thinking about the pain triggering the curse caused
" I know but you know as well as I do that werewolves usually trigger their curse between the age of 15 to 17" Klaus said softly knowing that was when their anger was at its peak for them to handle
" still it's different when it's your own kids I guess" Peyton said thinking about all of the new werewolves she had helped through their first kill and transformation as she thought of Ava and Wyatt
" does it bring up bad memories for you?" Klaus said with caution as he knew that she didn't like to talk about her first kill despite the fact that it had been in self defence to prevent the man from hurting her

The Big bad Wolf
FanfictionOk basically Klaus got someone else (not Hayley) pregnant with his baby, so this follows my original character Peyton Matthews who is a werewolf who has been in and out of foste families her whole life making her desparete to find her family but is...