Chapter 25: the battle of new orleans

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x21 of the originals, just like in the previous chapter I have switched around and changed some lines to fit around the whole klaus Peyton relationship since there is a big emphasis on the Hayley and Elijah relationship in the episode. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. I also appreciate all the baby name suggestion, please keep them coming. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

If you have any suggestions for baby names for the twins then let me know via pm or reviewing! Could use some ideas!

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces
Chapter 25: the battle of New Orleans

Things had been somewhat less eventful over the last two weeks as Peyton's due date approached with only two more to go as they continued to work on the spell for the moonlight rings for the wolves while Oliver was still trying to start a rebellion in the bayou to get the pack to rally against Jackson so that they could fight back like other supernatural groups in the quarter were keen to do too, it had also been two weeks since Peyton had a run in with Mikael on the other side during Kieran's funeral. It was a rare night if piece for Peyton and the two Mikaelson bothers were in the study in the compound as Elijah sat at the deal reading the moonlight ring spell from his mother's spell book and Klaus was outside on the balcony looking at the city as he told them stories from history while Peyton sat on the couch as comfortable as she could as she read her book. Peyton wore a pale pink and black patterned maternity jumpsuit and a cream cardigan while her hair was placed into two side buns, her makeup consisted of dark eye makeup that outline her eyes and light pink lip gloss

"...all but sealing the confederate's fate" Klaus said concluding his story that demonstrated different history events concerning New Orleans that usually ended in despair and destruction

" well thank you for the history lecture, that's exactly what I needed to stop myself from worrying" Peyton said slightly sarcastic and anxious as she moved around on the couch to get comfortable

" and not condescending at all, although my guess was that was not your intention... However it might have been to bore us mercilessly" Elijah said knowing that neither of them were really listening

" I simply offer a reminder, history shows us that any attempt to assert dominie over this city ends in bloody conflict" he said knowing that he wanted to prevent that from happening if he could

" this conversation will end in bloody conflict if the two magical mystical twins don't stop using my kidneys as soccer balls" she said showing her discomfort as she put down her book and moved

" are you feeling ok?" Elijah said as he spoke the same time as Klaus as he noticed the way she was moving as he closed the spell book and moved to be nearer to her in case she wasn't ok

" what the matter?" Klaus said speaking at the same time as Elijah as he noticed the pain on her face as she moved as he became concerned that something was wrong with her or their babies

" I'm fine, the babies are fine... But while I have your attention, what's going on with the moonlight rings? Things are still tense in the bayou" she said remembering the texts from Jackson and Hayley

" they are in progress, I just need my witch to perfect the spell and then we will be good to go little red" he said not wanting her to worry or stress about it or the details of his arrangements

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