Chapter 88: don't it just break your heart

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hey guys so here is a new chapter based on 5x05 so here you go. So Im really sorry that this chapter is like super late but I've been kinda struggling lately with this story especially due to the new episode being revealed. there are some changes like I've switched klaus for Hayley in terms of his story line to fit in with my story and added in Aiden  who isn't dead like in the the originals and have changed the actress playing hope since her and my younger characters are two different characters. So in my headed I've casted Natalie Alyn Lind as Ava, Cody Christian as Wyatt and Kylie Rogers as Cassie. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better but I'm still trying to find the balance in this season and getting back into it so bear with me. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up

Chapter 88: don't it just break your heart

After Klaus told Peyton about the coin that was placed into the box that held the pig skin that had been masked to look like the piece of skin on Peyton's shoulder that displayed her werewolf family crescent mark and had cried in her arms over the fact that he was the reason why she had gotten hurt, as Peyton tried to comfort him as much as possible before they both fell asleep with her holding him close to her since she knew that he needed to be close to comfort him after everything that he had been through lately between worrying about her and worrying about whoever took her coming back to finish what they had clearly started with her before loosing her. In the morning Klaus woke up before Peyton as he suddenly got an idea of how to move forward in finding out who was behind the coin in the box as he quickly got changed in something other than the pyjama bottoms he had changed into before falling asleep with Peyton, just as he was about to leave to head to the vampires new hideout since they had lost their rings Peyton began to wake up as she searched for him in her sleep state

" Klaus?" Peyton said calling out to him with panic in her voice despite still being half asleep as she felt the cooling space beside her as she felt the lingering raw emotion from her most recent nightmare

" hey I'm right here, little red. I've got you... nightmare?" Klaus said getting back into bed with her Ashe pulled her close to him to comfort her as he knew that she would only be dreaming of one thing now

" more like a memory I think. I was tied up and I could feel the ropes burning my wrist where they touched and I heard this woman's voice calling me names... breaking my bones, forcing me to drink wolfsbane" Peyton said trying so hard not to cry as her voice began to break with emotion

" shhh shh, you're safe now. No one is going to hurt while I'm here ok?" Klaus said hating that she was going through this and that her memory was torturing her all over again as she tried to stop the tears

" did Vincent ever get back to on the kind of wolfsbane that was used?" Peyton said knowing that she still felt very human and weak from whatever her tormentors had used in her while she was captive

" no and I'm not sure he's willing to enlighten me on the answer now but then again I'm not sure he ever had it. I think it was beyond him. Why? Are you still not healing?" Klaus said clearly worried

" no and if I honest I'm feeling really weak too... why are you dressed?" Peyton said noticing for the first time since they and started talking that not only was he dressed and ready to go but also had shoes on

" I'm heading out to see the vampires to find out who's behind the coin and then I'm going to interrogate them for answers" Klaus said knowing that she would want to be a part of the interrogation

" call me when you find out and I'll join you, seeing me there will throw them plus I'm good at reading people" she said knowing that whoever kidnapped her probably thought she was dead or close to it

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