Chapter 75: I hear you knocking

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hey guys so here the newest chapter which is based on 4x05 of the originals which is a lot short than the other chapters lately due to the fact that i decided not to use the whole Klaus since it didn't fit or make sense for me to, also changed a lot of the scenes between Hayley and Elijah so that it was between Hayley and Peyton to show more of their sisterly bond. I also changed some of the scenes to fit better with the story and the changes I've made previously in other chapters . So in my head I've casted Hannah R Loyd as Ava and Levi Miller as Wyatt. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 75: I hear you knocking

Way back when there was a boy in the woods of what is now known as Mystic Falls who was exploring the area to find different berries and flowers that he could use to turn into paint for his picture was how he ended finding lovely purple berries that he crushed fine enough to make a vibrant purple colour for paint which he was about to use to create another one of his masterpieces when his efforts were interrupted when he heard the familiar sounds of men fighting as he went to explore hat the noise was. As he went towards the noise he found men laying around the wood floor covered in blood from being cut down someone else's sword, his attention was soon drawn to a man pinned to a tree due to the sword pierced into his guy as he groaned and cried out for help at the sight of the young blonde boy

" please, help me... please, please... no no, stop!" The man said pleading and pleading as the boy began to step closer to him before being pushed away by an older blonde male as he ended him

" you would show mercy to an enemy? A fiend who plotted to rai our homes? Mercy is for the weak, Niklaus. Look at you boy, you are pathetic!" Mikael said as he yelled at the young Klaus

" I'm sorry father, I didn't know... I-I" he said too terrified and intimidated by his Viking father to form a sentence that would help towards his defence as he thought of what was to come next

" if you are determined to prove yourself a weakling then I should cast you out, better your brothers not be exposed to a coward!" He said in an attempt to be little and tear down his son

Suddenly Klaus felt him felt being shook by something or someone as he opened his eyes to see the deep brown eyes that he loved so much that belonged to his wife who was looking at him with such concern as she wondered what had caused him to have such a horrible nightmare or so she assumed as she recognised the familiar signs of a nightmare as he began to recognise that he was back in the study of the compound where he had retreated after deciding to get up to check on the twins after watching Peyton peacefully sleep by his side. Peyton was wearing a pair of pink pyjama shorts with feathers on them, a loose fitting white tshirt that he was sure was his that showed her light pink lace bra underneath it, a pink beige cardigan and a pair of beige slipper boots. Her hair was down in a mass of waves that was showing the beginning stage of becoming bed hair while she wore no make up due to having been asleep before.

" hey shhh, you're ok.... whatever you were dreaming of, it's not real like you are or like I am ok?' She said trying to soothe him as he got his bearing as she gently cupped his face and stroked his cheek

" little red, I know it just.... Mikael's ghost has a habit of haunting me" he said thinking about his dream as he remembered the beating that followed him showing the man on the tree mercy

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