Chapter 4: tangled up in blue

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x03 of the originals, although I've changed somethings and added scenes as well as tried to take on any reviews or suggestions made you so let me of it needs to more by the episode or more my own. This chapter may be a little shorter despite my additions just due to the episode, so sorry. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 4: tangled up in blue

After hearing about Rebekah's little meeting with Marcel's secret weapon which turned out to be a teenager called Davina and how she had been powerful enough to not only throw Rebekah out of a window with her mind but the erase her memory of where Marcel was hiding Davina and Elijah, Peyton decided to go exploring around the house since it was still early after she had gotten dressed. She now wore a white v-necked tank top underneath a salmon pink cashmere sweater that hugged her figure a little, a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees and pair of brown ankle buckled boots. Peyton had decided to create a messy hairstyle with her natural waves by creating a waterfall braid from side of her hair to another making it look a little tangled, she wore black eyeliner to make her light brown eyes look more defined than normal which matched her natural looking pale lipstick. Peyton wondered into the living room where Rebekah was watching the fire outside that had been used to burn the dead vampire bodies begin to die out

" I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me, you know I love to set things on fire" Rebekah said as she looked out of the window as Peyton leaned against the doorframe

" yeah maybe you should find another hobby like knitting or something" she said realising that she didn't really know the people she was living with as much as she would like to or needed to

" hello love, here ....Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot?" He said smiling at her as he thought about their conversation in her bedroom that morning about the baby and them

" hi... I for one are glad that you did since I don't think I could cope with the smell of rotten flesh, not that burning flesh is any better" she said crinkling her nose up as she gestured to the fact that her heightened smell wasn't agreeing with her right now

" that reminds me, here I am told it helps with the morning sickness. They were my responsibility" he said standing up as he handed her some crackers and a bottle of fresh lemon water

" thank you and how do you figure since it was me who lured them there and Rebekah who killed them?" She asked as she took the items from him and began to nib on a cracker feeling her stomach become calmer

" they attacked you, the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child..sorry, our child" he said correcting himself after noticing the look Peyton gave him at calling the baby his child and theirs

" oh I am so moved by your new found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven" Rebekah said after silently watching the interaction between klaus and Peyton

" ok first I'm not that helpless and second well done Rebekah, that's some what progress when referring to my pregnancy" she said thinking of the other way she had referred to it before now

" I can't work out if I hate you or like you" Rebekah said titling her head as she tried to once again work Peyton out, although she knew that in some ways her brother and Peyton were alike

" right back at you, anyway what's the plan? I mean I'm assuming there is a plan" she said backing away from the doorframe to get closer to them as Klaus sat down on the chair in the office room

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