Chapter 61: heart shaped box

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x13 which I obvious struggled with a lot less than I have been due to pre planning so as a sorry for not updating for so long I'm posting another chapter for a second day in a row (yay me). And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as added I my own scenes to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 61: heart shaped box

To say that Peyton didn't have an easy night's rest after discovering that Aurora most likely had the white oak that could kill the original family since every time she closed her eyes she would imagine Aurora standing over their bed holding the white oak stake ready to pierce it into Klaus's chest which was why she eventually decided to get up rather than laying in bed trying not to fall asleep. This is why Peyton was sitting on the bay window chair wearing a pair of grey leggings with a blue tie dyed oversized tank top and a dark grey cardigan, she decided to simply place some of her hair up into a small bun with some of it still down. She had also decided to place the twins into their bassinet so that they could sleep into the same room as them as a way of keeping an eye on them since the bassinet was placed right next to her as she read her book to occupy her thoughts

" Peyton?... little red!" Klaus said still half asleep  at first before becoming alarmed that something had happened to her as he sat up a little as he began to look around the room for his wife

" hey it's okay, I'm right here and so are the twins" she said quietly not wanting to wake the sleeping babies as she made her presence known to him as he turned to see her very much awake

" what's going on, little red?" He said worried about her since he could tell from the cooling coffee cup and the blanket that she had been there for a while now rather than sleeping

" nothing, I just couldn't sleep and I knew I would feel a lot better if we were all together" she said as he picked up on the unsaid comment behind her words as he realised what was wrong

" why?... all I'm asking is for you to let me in, don't do that thing where you hide yourself away and push me away when all I want is to help you" he said moving to her side of the bed

" I couldn't sleep because I kept dreaming that Aurora was standing at the bottom of our bed so she could stake you in your sleep so I was a little unnerved" she said trying to shake it off

" she isn't going to hurt us, I would never let her come that close to us" he said getting out of bed so he could and join her underneath her blanket on her chair as she went to sit with him

" I know you wouldn't but I still worry, I mean the prophecy is bad enough and now you're crazy ex is posing a threat once again" she said burying herself in his arms seeking comfort in him

" I understand why you did this but in a way I'm glad that you did, we don't spend enough time together as a family" he said as he wrapped his arms around her looking down at their children

" I agree, between fighting off supernatural threats and enemies we still need to find time to be with them and to be us" she said thinking about how they had stopped being a family or a couple

" which is why I propose that on the nearest quiet day we do something fun with the twins and us" he said knowing that the twins were growing up so fast and they had to enjoy that for now

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