hey guys so here the newest chapter which is based on 4x08 of the originals which I have decided to focus on the Hayley and Klaus storyline but I've also added an extra character just because I wanted to really as well as I also changed some of the scenes to fit better with the story and the changes I've made previously in other chapters. I'm sorry this chapter is later than normal, I've just not been feeling up to writing this story lately so sorry!. So in my head I've casted Hannah R Loyd as Ava and Levi Miller as Wyatt. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.
http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)
Chapter 78: voodoo in my blood
Klaus and Peyton woke up to the news that the bones were linked to the Lockwood family making them wonder how everything seemed to go right back to Mystic Falls or the supernatural residents that live there making them immediately form a plan in order to get the bone back before the hollow or its follwers for it before them which lead to them deciding that Alaric and Stefan who come with the bone since Alaric was the closest thing to a specialist in all things supernatural that they had and Stefan decided to come to check on his best friend who was now pregnant again as well as in the middle of a big drama in New Orleans. Peyton quickly got dressed in a white and black striped cami with lace detailing, a pair of high waisted grey skinny jeans, a pair of brown ankle combat boots and a soft red light flowy coat. Her hair had been placed in a twisty ponytail to keep it nice and neat, she also wore dark eye defining eye makeup with a dark dull pink lipstick. Klaus came into their bedroom while she was getting ready in the mirror as he wrapped his arms around hers waist as he began to gently stroke her stomach before realising something about it
" you're starting to show already, little red" he said with a smile as he realised how much he had missed seeing his baby grow in the woman that he loved as much as he loved the growing twins
" I know I blame you and your Viking bones but I swear it's only one baby this time" she said knowing that she beginning to show a small bump that her and Klaus would be able to notice for now
" or maybe it's simply because you're so thin my love"he said gently stroking her stomach to make his point as he thought how big it was going to get over the next few months due to their baby
" maybe... I still can't believe that all of this is real though, that we're having another baby" she said thinking about how she would get the chance to be there from the beginning unlike the first time
" our little bundle of light... how are you feeling, little red? Is the morning sickness been as bad as it was with the twins?" He said remembering how she could barely keep anything down with them
" not nearly as bad but still I went from being a hybrid who barely got the sniffles to a pregnant lady that gets morning sickness at the drop of a hat, I can handle it" she said explaining herself" if anyone can then I'd bet on you every time... Freya filled me on the fact that the Lockwood family may have a bone so I took upon myself to talk an old history teacher" he said to her softly
" you called Alaric? Why didn't you tell me? I mean I could have called Stefan" she said spinning around in his arms as she wrapped her arms around him as she thought about this new development
" I only found myself this morning and I'm telling you now, also if it makes you feel better Stefan is coming with Alaric to see you and the twins" he said knowing how much she loved her best friend

The Big bad Wolf
FanfictionOk basically Klaus got someone else (not Hayley) pregnant with his baby, so this follows my original character Peyton Matthews who is a werewolf who has been in and out of foste families her whole life making her desparete to find her family but is...