Chapter 63: an old friend calls

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x15 of the originals which I've trie to include as much as possible due to the two very important storylines which is the whole Klaus with enemy plot and Hayley having her own revenge for Jackson's death so I've kinda played with that so I could fit it all in. Also as normal  I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as added I my own scenes to make fit in better. Also I'm sorry this is a little later I've been busy babysitting my sister's pup who likes to fight/play with mine. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 63: an old friend calls

Things in the compound were far from being easy since Klaus's sireline had been broken which made things a lot tenser between him and pretty much everyone else especially Peyton who was trying to do everything she could do to help him despite him pushing her a way in an attempt to keep her safe, this only added to her very high list of things to worry about and thinking about non stop rather than sleeping which was why she was currently up in the very early hours of the morning as she prepared the twins's morning bottles. She wore a pair of matching pajamas that  consisted of a dark blue lace tank top and matching pair of shorts as well as wore a black hoodie. She had decided to leave her very curly hair down rather than placing up into another hairstyle, she also wore no make up due to having been asleep or at least in bed. When Peyton returned to their bedroom, she noticed that Klaus was beginning to thrust and thrash around the bed due to having a bad dream as went to comfort him

" Klaus? Klaus! Wake up... come on, it's just a bad dream. Please, just wake up.... that's it, hey you're okay" she said sitting on the bed next to him as she tried everything she could to wake him

" I know, I know.... I'm sorry little red" he said sitting up in bed as he realised that he was covered in sweat as he tried to shake off his  bad dream while feeling bad that he'd woken her up once again

" don't be, I was awake anyway and it's not like you can help what you dream about.... want to talk about it?" She said as she took off her hoodie and settled back into bed beside him to comfort him

" it was nothing really, just my worries and concerns playing out in my dreams" he said knowing that he had been around Cami long enough for him to be able to figure out the simple things

" maybe it would help if you talked about it?" She said trying to cox him into talking to her rather than pushing her away like they both had a habit of doing when things got too much for them

" come here then.... I dreamed that some not so friendly face from my past came to kill me as well as you and our children" he said remembering their dead bloody bodies covering the compound

" is this because of your sireline now being broken?" She said after doing what he asked as she rested her head on his bare chest as he began to play with her hair and be comforted by her being close to him

" before I had thousands of vampires fighting for me because their own survival depended on it but now those ties have been broken" he said knowing that people were going to come after him

" but you still have your family and Marcel to fight for you as well as me and my wolves" she said trying to show him that he wasn't as alone as he believed that he was due to Davina's spell

" I know, I just wish that this won't fall back onto you and the twins... I couldn't bare it if anything happened you three because of me" he said getting emotional again as he thought of his dream

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