Chapter 65: behind the black horizon

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x17 of the originals which I've mainly focused on the Klaus and Hayley plot line rather than splitting the focus to show more of what was going on since it was the one that made the most sense to the story.  Also as normal  I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as added I my own scenes to make fit in better. Also I'm sorry if this chapter is shorter than normal but this simply because what I've included and what was in the episode but on the plus side it does mean I could update faster so yay. this is a little later I'm not feeling the greatest lately.  so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 65: behind the black horizon

After getting off the phone to a now very frantic Elijah who was going to chase down both Lucien and Freya, Klaus and Peyton headed back to Hollis's bar so they could figure  next move since they both knew that Peyton's main focus on this new development was finding out why Lucien was hunting the wolves in the area and what he needed them for as she thought about how some of her people could have been captured or killed by Lucien and his men. That night Peyton called Hayley to inform her of their plan and asked her to meet them near the Appalachians mountain so she could take the twins since they all reluctantly knew that they couldn't go through with their plan and keep the twins safe at the same time which is why Peyton got the twins ready in the morning before getting herself dressed in an outfit fit to intimidate which consisted of a a dark blue silky looking strapped camisole, a laced black buttoned top over it, a pair of jeans, a navy blue plaid coat and a pair of black chunky boots. She wore her hair in a mass of long curls with two simple braids, she also wore softly smoked brown eye makeup with light pink beige lipstick. Once she was ready, she headed outside of the diner they had arrived at to meet Hayley

" hey little sister, it seems that trouble has a habit of following you huh?" Hayley said with an amused look as she stood by her car as she saw Peyton walking towards her with the twins and their things

" yeah I mean that had been said once or twice before.... thank you for doing this" Peyton said as she handed Hayley each of the twins as she began to place their car seats into the back of her car

" you don't have to thank me, you three are my family and it's not like you're going out to party... you're going out to investigating what's happening to our kind" she said knowing it was a good reason

" I know but it's hard when I have to give them up for a while rather than be with them even if it is for a good reason" she said thinking about how she was going to explain this to them in the years to come

" if they knew what was going then they would understand too, their mom is a superhero... so what is Lucien up to?" she said remembering how helpful he had been the day before with them

" I have no idea but something tells me that this is only the beginning of his little plot" she said thinking about how they had been playing into his little hands without even knowing it until now

" what's going on with you? Something is bothering you, I can tell" she said knowing that it was her sisterly instincts that was telling that something wasn't quite right with her younger sister

" something is different this time, this threat seems different than the others" she said shaking her head as she knew that she couldn't tell any of the others since she knew they would reassure her

" different how?" She said wondering what she meant since she could see that she meant this as truly believed whatever it was she was feeling and that she was clearly worried about this threat

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