Chapter 91: the kindness of strangers

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hey guys so here is a new chapter based on 5x08 so here you go. So this chapter I feel is so long because there was a lot that I could use from the show and that I had to deal with such as Peyton's anger towards Elijah which I hope I have done, also I've tried to make it not as heavy as it could have been but tried to keep the right emotion to go with it if that makes sense. Also I've have changed the actress playing hope since her and my younger characters are two different characters. So in my headed I've casted Natalie Alyn Lind as Ava, Cody Christian as Wyatt and Kylie Rogers as Cassie. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better but I'm still trying to find the balance in this season and getting back into it so bear with me. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up

Chapter 91: the kindness of strangers

After waking up in the magically conjured version of the compound to discover that she was not only with Klaus but also Elijah as she decided to walk away from him rather than to say in the compound with him as she thought about the amount of rage she attached to what he did to Hayley or rather what he didn't do, knowing that his wife currently battling with her rage and her grief for her sister he decided to join after a while to make side that she was okay as he followed her out for the courtyard and to the balcony in the study. Peyton was still wearing her precious outfit of v necked worn red and blue baseball top, a pair of jeans,a grey hoodie and a pair of red worn converse as she decided to dress for comfort. She also decided to create a loose side braid, she wore simply light brown eye makeup with nude coloured lips. She looked out of the balcony and wished so desperately that she could get away from everything that was causing her and her family pain like they were in right now, Klaus soon came to join her as he stood beside her before gently began to play with her hands as well as her fingers

" I can't stay here, Klaus... I can't or I swear I'm going to kill your brother" Peyton said grimly knowing that this was worse nightmare right now as she thought about everything that happened recently

" I can't say that I would blame you either, little red" Klaus said knowing that he thought that her anger towards Elijah was just right now as he thought about how he went to Roman's aid rather than Hayley's

" with your track history I'd hope not... I'm just so filled with rage and when I see or hear him I just want to-" Peyton said leaning her head on Klaus's shoulder as he talked before being interrupted by Elijah

" so every last exit is sealed... if either of you are thinking about jumping then don't, I already tried it and landed in the world's most pretentious wine cellar" Elijah said cashing them to turn around to face him

" you sorted it by vintage... you don't remember, do you? I thought Marcel was intent on retrieving your memories" Klaus said realising that he still didn't know who he was or rather had been before the hollow

" he was and he failed, I still remember nothing while Antionette is dying" Elijah said making Peyton push off of the balcony and roll her eyes as she thought about how concerned he was about her

" shame, I mean to lose the fake deluded love of your life" Peyton said making her feelings very clear about the whole him being in love with Antionette while having no memories of his love for Hayley

" what the hell are we doing here? What is this place?" Elijah said currently looking around the room as  Peyton realised that the new and memory free Elijah had never been to the compound before 

" you dint remember this place? It's our home in New Orleans, it's known as the Mikaelson compound hence the big m crests on the wall" Peyton said as Klaus noticed that her sarcastic so was in full effect

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