hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x13 of the originals, which I've had to stick to the episode pretty close in this one just due to what happens since it needs to happen to set certain things up for the next few ones so I was restricted to what I could do because I didn't want to disturb too much but I did add extra scenes and extend some just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. I also somewhat changed the order a little and tried to include as much as possible
. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. I'm also really sorry if this chapter is shorter than others and again its simply doe to the espiode since it wouldn't have made sense to add other scenes Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)
Chapter 39: the devil is damned
Peyton had decided to live in the bayou while they were dealing with the preparations to become co alphas like they would if it was her and Jackson getting married so that it would create the best of both world when she eventually married Klaus allowing them to give her wolves and others the abilities that they had as hybrids, it also meant that she had time to herself to deal with everything that was going on in her life since it all seemed to be moving too fast to process sometimes. She decided to call Hayley to check in on everything stiles the safe house after getting dressed in a red plaid shirt, a high necked white tank top that was slightly baggy, a pair of jeans, a pair of knee high brown distressed boots and a distressed looking light denim jacket. Peyton wore her hair down in a mass of soft waves as she placed a red head bandana, she wore dark grey smokey eyes with dark dull pink lipstick. Once she was dressed she grabbed her phone as she scrolled down to Hayley's number
" hey little sis, what's up? You ok?" Hayley said as she answered the phone as she began to worry that was something bad was happening in New Orleans as she picked up baby Ava from her crib
" I'm all good and things are good or as good as things get in New Orleans, I just wanted to check on the twins and with how Elijah is coping with everything" she said think of missing her children
" the twins are good if not slightly showing their love for mischief which I want to say is all Klaus but I know you" she said making them both laugh as Hayley placed Ava next to Wyatt on the floor
" yeah we both have a bad habit of getting into mischief when we probably shouldn't so it makes sense that they do too" she said smiling as she thought about her two babies getting into trouble
" so how is the wedding preparations and alpha things with Jackson going?" She said knowing that while she had been hiding out with her niece and nephew that she was busy with everything
" they're defiantly going... Klaus beat up Jackson last night because of his feelings for me, I'll be glad when it's all done with" she said thinking that things were defiantly getting more complicated
" seriously? Wait so is Jackson ok?" Hayley asked suddenly worried as she thought about all the damage that Klaus might be able to do as she wondered if things would ever be normal for them
" he's ok, nothing too bad but still... I wish they would both realise who I'm marrying and why. Hey don't think I didn't notice that you didn't answer the Elijah question?" She said changing the topic
" I kinda got him to open up about what Esther did to him with this red door embedded his head, he's clearly still affected by it" she said with a heavy breath as she thought of Elijah suffering

The Big bad Wolf
FanfictionOk basically Klaus got someone else (not Hayley) pregnant with his baby, so this follows my original character Peyton Matthews who is a werewolf who has been in and out of foste families her whole life making her desparete to find her family but is...