Chapter 5: the girl in new orleans

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x04 of the originals, although I've changed somethings and added lot of scenes as well as changed one major detail to make the story more different from similar ones to this or more my own. Hope you still like it and please let me know what you think of this twist. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 5: girl in New Orleans

Peyton was still freaked out by what happened with Sabine especially when she couldn't find  out which language or dialect she was chanting in, although she was taking comfort in the fact that she now knew that the baby was a girl which was the reason why she was currently laying in an unfamiliar bed that was slow becoming more and more familiar to her as was the sleeping form next to her. The sun was streaming into her eyes making her slowly opening them as she gently moved her head to face the man next to her as she saw him give her a sleepy smile as he ran his fingers up and down her naked back making her smile grow

" yup it's decided, this is defiantly a good way to wake up" she said still kind of quiet since she didn't want to disturb the moment before someone or something came in and ruined it

" see I was thinking that was a better way to wake up" Klaus said as he moved closer to her as he kissed her gently at first before she deepened the kiss as she began to take control of it

" I like your way know people are going to start talking if I keep sneaking in here" she said laying back down as she began to fix the blankets around her as he gave her the smirk she loved

" by people you mean Rebekah? I think we're safe from my sister " He said making her laugh as she smacked him playfully on the arm in response since he knew she had no one to tell

" don't be mean towards her... I have say she wouldn't be the only one wanting to know what this is" she said gesturing to them since it had been on her mind since they had found out about the baby

" well back in my day I would have been courting you or something similar" he said gently drawing circles on her stomach that showed a small baby bump with his finger absentmindedly

" old school, I think nowadays that's called dating" she said with a smile on face as she thought about how much he had lived compared to her as she knew it would be good to be with the baby's father

" hmmm so we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend... I think I may be too old for that little red" he said thinking a man of his age shouldn't really have a twenty years old pregnant girlfriend

" we'd be together and you are old... Like so old it should creep me out" she said making fun of him slightly since she was beginning to feel uncomfortable with how serious the conversation was

" and are you? Creeped out by it?" He said teasing her as he thought about the nights they had spent since finding out that they were having a daughter since it somehow felt right between them

" defiantly not.... Nothing in my life has ever felt so right which is why I have conditions"she said sitting up as she pulled the sheets up with her as he propped himself up with his elbow looking at her

" and what are these conditions of yours?" He said amused by her as he realised that this was one of the reason he was drawn to her since she wasn't afraid to challenge him like other people were

" first we take this whatever it is slowly because feelings and stuff tend to freak me out a little and second you don't tell me what to do, I meant be with you but I am still me" she said feeling like those were the big ones since she knew that those would be the ones to cause a fight with them

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